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Time To Change The Law On Drugs?

La Colombe

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Would it have really made any difference how many people signed it ? No. There's no democratic feedback loop in our Executive that responds to public opposition and which could trigger a change in policy. The people that make the policy are unelected civil servants and they're not going to respond to petitions. They don't have to.

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Passing the buck on to the GP's and UK. At least they could put some priority on moving the legislation forward to have something in place. Ashford said 17 out of 19 GP's who responded apparently weren't into prescribing. How many GP's are there on the Island? As Claire Christian said, they'll hand out opiates like sweeties without a by-your-leave, along with other mind and mood-altering substances. My great uncle, a senior pathologist, reckoned that many GP's qualified and once in the chair never bothered to read another paper, on anything, and became so stuck in their ways they were potentially a danger in some respects. A GP once wanted to prescribe me Vioxx till I asked him was he aware of the dangers related to its long-term use. Much to my surprise, he knew nothing about it and greeted what I'd told him with obvious scepticism and said he'd lots of patients on it, even though the recall of this particular drug was a year or so previously.

Get it legalised, the research is out there...

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11 minutes ago, quilp said:

Passing the buck on to the GP's and UK. At least they could put some priority on moving the legislation forward to have something in place. Ashford said 17 out of 19 GP's who responded apparently weren't into prescribing. How many GP's are there on the Island? As Claire Christian said, they'll hand out opiates like sweeties without a by-your-leave, along with other mind and mood-altering substances. My great uncle, a senior pathologist, reckoned that many GP's qualified and once in the chair never bothered to read another paper, on anything, and became so stuck in their ways they were potentially a danger in some respects. A GP once wanted to prescribe me Vioxx till I asked him was he aware of the dangers related to its long-term use. Much to my surprise, he knew nothing about it and greeted what I'd told him with obvious scepticism and said he'd lots of patients on it, even though the recall of this particular drug was a year or so previously.

Get it legalised, the research is out there...

My wife went through a spell many moons ago with depression. GP prescribed her some tablets (the name of which escapes me now) which clearly stated in the leaflet that they could cause severe depression. The mind boggles

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8 minutes ago, Peter Layman said:

My wife went through a spell many moons ago with depression. GP prescribed her some tablets (the name of which escapes me now) which clearly stated in the leaflet that they could cause severe depression. The mind boggles

And addiction I believe. 

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2 minutes ago, Peter Layman said:

My wife went through a spell many moons ago with depression. GP prescribed her some tablets (the name of which escapes me now) which clearly stated in the leaflet that they could cause severe depression. The mind boggles

There is a danger with most SSRI's in that they can initially increase suicidal ideation. Even the old tricyclic antidepressants carry this risk. It is written as a contraindication in the accompanying leaflet in the box. I assume many patients rarely read the leaflet relying instead on the word of the GP. Nearly 20 years ago, I was prescribed Prozac (actually by the same GP who wanted to put me on Vioxx), he described it as a new wonder-drug, would alleviate my depression oh yes, yet never mentioned the increased risk of suicidal thoughts, I went through hell for the first couple of months, going sharply downhill.

I've refused to see him since. 

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28 minutes ago, quilp said:

There is a danger with most SSRI's in that they can initially increase suicidal ideation. Even the old tricyclic antidepressants carry this risk. It is written as a contraindication in the accompanying leaflet in the box. I assume many patients rarely read the leaflet relying instead on the word of the GP. Nearly 20 years ago, I was prescribed Prozac (actually by the same GP who wanted to put me on Vioxx), he described it as a new wonder-drug, would alleviate my depression oh yes, yet never mentioned the increased risk of suicidal thoughts, I went through hell for the first couple of months, going sharply downhill.

I've refused to see him since. 

it's sad that you had to go through all of this. They wouldn't treat animals this way yet feel quite vindicated treating humans this way.

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1 minute ago, TheTeapot said:


And? You will find your Mate Howie quoted both Jersey & Guernsey several times today in briefing, he’d been speaking to both, they did this , their exit policy says that etc.

A number of business people are also discussing with Channel Islands business opportunities there as perceived easier to deal with.

I realize you have a real issue with Channel Islands but they are our peers and everyone knows it and if you don’t like it please take it  up with CM

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