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Time To Change The Law On Drugs?

La Colombe

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This drug taking  business which everyone says if rife on the Island.

I don’t know anyone who says they take drugs of whatever category in conversation.

I appreciate that the probability amongst my acquaintances is that some of them do, but none mention it in the casual way that posters on here do. It’s not like I’d be shocked or anything.

This leads me to think that maybe it’s not quite that rife.


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1 minute ago, TheTeapot said:

The obvious response to this very weird post is "well you can get you whole head up yours so..." but I'm trying to be festive and nice so I'll not say it.

It was a play on words “ Mushroom”, “ much room” Geddit?

Ok perhaps not as funny as I first imagined.

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18 hours ago, La Colombe said:

I agree, an amazing natural resource. The classification of which can only have been instigated by someone who only ever had one trip. Which must have been a really bad one. 

Maybe. Does that somehow preclude them from making the classification.

I started smoking tobacco at 11. I was physically sick the first few times but I stuck it it out. It was the thing to do.I went on to really, really enjoy the satisfaction of beating the self-induced addiction 20-30 times a day for the next decade or so.

All drugs are fucking great man, just keep trying and you'll see. Fucking great they are.

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  • 1 month later...

But...but...but....didn't the Isle of Man give the age of majority to 16 years olds?


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46 minutes ago, La Colombe said:

Jesus wept. A bit of weed and a few Es.  Sentenced to 33 months. Bonkers.  

I was in a Douglas pub when it was raided by police. They took away a druggie bastard. All his mates and the other druggies in the pub (ie just about all of them) we're whinging and crying "all he had was a wee wrap".

And enough heroin in the house which got him 10 years.

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5 hours ago, La Colombe said:

Jesus wept. A bit of weed and a few Es.  Sentenced to 33 months. Bonkers.  

Yet this piece of shit gets away with a paltry 28 months


The so called war on drugs failed miserably years ago and now only exists to give local plod the chance to ruin peoples lives for a small amount of cannabis. I believe the only chemist on the Island with the licence to issue medicinal cannabis earned approx £1.5m but won't release the figures required to allow other chemists to start up. Simply put, legalise the damn stuff and capitalise on the tax to be made on it. Pump it all back into the Island's NHS. What's not to like.

For clarity, I have never used cannabis so have no real vested interest other than to stop people having their lives ruined by plod.

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  • 3 weeks later...


"With a historic vote, Germany has reached a milestone in drug policy by legalizing recreational cannabis for personal use, though without allowing retail sales.

Today, Germany's federal parliament, the Bundestag, passed legislation legalizing recreational cannabis for personal use in the country. The bill received support from 407 MPs, while 226 voted against it, with four abstaining.

The Bundesrat, Germany's legislative body representing the sixteen Länder at the federal level, will examine the bill, but its "consent," which differs from approval, is not binding.

The law (named Cannabis Act or CanG) will come into effect on April 1 for possession and cultivation, while the cannabis social clubs are anticipated to become operational starting from July 1.

With this move, Germany becomes the third European Union member state, after Malta and Luxembourg, to legalize recreational cannabis for personal use. It is also a significant moment for Europe, as the largest economy in the EU has legalized cannabis for personal use after emerging as one of the biggest markets for medical cannabis."







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