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Time To Change The Law On Drugs?

La Colombe

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2 hours ago, Neil Down said:

His comments are every bit as valid as yours or mine or anybody else's for that matter. Like one or two others on here, why do you feel the need to personally insult somebody?

Back on topic, have you ever had to deal with the fallout of a loved one involved in drugs?

In response to your points:

1.Who died and made you protector of Rog ya fucking nimrod.

2. No I havent, I was born lucky, now fuck off!

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2 hours ago, ecobob said:

I've seen the Philippines.  It's a shit regime..  Why do you think so many of them are over here running nursing homes and working the tills at TESCO.

Because we provide everything for free to supposed asylum seekers and assorted low life.  Very few of these burglars are genuine asylum seekers, most are scum.

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55 minutes ago, yootalkin2me said:

In response to your points:

1.Who died and made you protector of Rog ya fucking nimrod.

2. No I havent, I was born lucky, now fuck off!

My POINT is based on decent morals and decent clean living. In any case being born in a swamp of immorality where decency exists only in rare patches is hardly lucky.


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9 hours ago, Rog said:

Then jail them for years or even decades in hard no frills prisons.  If they can afford the crap which they loosen themselves then they have the cash to pay fines. 

Your grasp of public service finance is staggeringly weak. 

Every ‘solution’ you offer costs society huge amounts of money; full legalisation not only reduces expenditure but has the potential to generate wealth along with allowing drug users open access to treatment if they need it. 

Personally I’m not a user and probably wouldn’t be if it was legalised but it makes no economic sense to continue banging our heads against a wall. And as I enjoy a pint and used to smoke I can see the hypocracy of banning some drugs but profiteering from others. 

I’m interested to know what it is that you have against drugs and their users? I can honestly say that in 40+ years on this planet I’ve never had an issue with someone who was on drugs and before you say it; I’ve lived in some fairly rough parts of large cities in the UK in the past so plenty of opportunity. On the other hand; in my younger days when I frequented pubs and clubs hardly a night went by without seeing someone kicking off from too much beer. 

Ask a copper how many people they’ve arrested for being stoned and disorderly. 

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7 minutes ago, The Lurker said:

Your grasp of public service finance is staggeringly weak. 

Every ‘solution’ you offer costs society huge amounts of money; full legalisation not only reduces expenditure but has the potential to generate wealth along with allowing drug users open access to treatment if they need it. 

Personally I’m not a user and probably wouldn’t be if it was legalised but it makes no economic sense to continue banging our heads against a wall. And as I enjoy a pint and used to smoke I can see the hypocracy of banning some drugs but profiteering from others. 

I’m interested to know what it is that you have against drugs and their users? I can honestly say that in 40+ years on this planet I’ve never had an issue with someone who was on drugs and before you say it; I’ve lived in some fairly rough parts of large cities in the UK in the past so plenty of opportunity. On the other hand; in my younger days when I frequented pubs and clubs hardly a night went by without seeing someone kicking off from too much beer. 

Ask a copper how many people they’ve arrested for being stoned and disorderly. 

Some prices must be paid especially when the benefit outweighs the cost.  I deplore and detest weak and hedonistic people who their actions weaken society. 

I have a number of properties that I rent and while I will turn a blind eye to some small evidence of drink I always evict on the spot for any evidence of drug use or involvement AND inform the police.  For me the best outcome is to see users and dealers quite literally on the street with nowhere to go.

I don't do empathy or sympathy.  Filth belong in the gutter.

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24 minutes ago, Rog said:

Some prices must be paid especially when the benefit outweighs the cost.  I deplore and detest weak and hedonistic people who their actions weaken society. 

I have a number of properties that I rent and while I will turn a blind eye to some small evidence of drink I always evict on the spot for any evidence of drug use or involvement AND inform the police.  For me the best outcome is to see users and dealers quite literally on the street with nowhere to go.

I don't do empathy or sympathy.  Filth belong in the gutter.

What I’m trying to establish is; how have drugs and drug users harmed you? Do you have a personal experience that has caused your views? If you have; I could possibly understand your attitude. But if you’re just spouting Dail Mail off the shelf ideology with no original thought then I can only say that I’m glad your way of thinking is slowly falling out of fashion. 

Edited by The Lurker
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22 minutes ago, The Lurker said:

What I’m trying to establish is; how have drugs and drug users harmed you? Do you have a personal experience that has caused your views? If you have; I could possibly understand your attitude. But if you’re just spouting Dail Mail off the shelf ideology with no original thought then I can only say that I’m glad your way of thinking is slowly falling out of fashion. 

A thing doesn't need to have directly affected someone for them to loath and detest it and those immoral fools attempting to justify it.  The recreational use of psychoactive substances is indicative of selfishness, hedonism and weak will in the drug abusers quite apart from criminality.

I simply can understand why anyone would want anything to do with such people let alone enter into a relationship with such fools.

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2 hours ago, Rog said:

Some prices must be paid especially when the benefit outweighs the cost.  I deplore and detest weak and hedonistic people who their actions weaken society. 

I have a number of properties that I rent and while I will turn a blind eye to some small evidence of drink I always evict on the spot for any evidence of drug use or involvement AND inform the police.  For me the best outcome is to see users and dealers quite literally on the street with nowhere to go.

I don't do empathy or sympathy.  Filth belong in the gutter.

You really are one proper horrible cunt.

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1 hour ago, Rog said:

The recreational use of psychoactive substances is indicative of selfishness, hedonism and weak will in the drug abusers quite apart from criminality.

Humankind has sought ways to enhance its spiritual and religious consciousness for millenia. It could be said that it was the (accidental) ingestion of psychoactive substances (opium poppies, mushrooms, coca, cannabis, fermented brews, et al) which put early humans on the path to their pursuit of 'enlightenment' and laid the ground for fledging religious cults. The Aztecs and Mayans revered the 'sacred' mushroom in an almost religious fashion. The Egyptians and other early societies, avid users of opium, cannabis and cocaine, the ancient Chinese, for thousands of years, had a variety of substances in their pharmacopoeia which were used for medicinal purposes so the recreational and medicinal use of various compounds is certainly nothing new.


I simply cannot understand why anyone would want anything to do with such people let alone enter into a relationship with such fools.

But you're probably surrounded by people who indulge in the consumption of drugs without you knowing or noticing. People who go about their daily lives without any problem, except maybe for the expense of their predilection. These same people will always indulge, regardless of the law, which makes a mockery of the law as a deterrent.

You can label people "fools" but some of the most prolific and successful artists, musicians, writers and poets past and present have produced some of their best work whilst under the influence.

You've a very narrow view Rog, drug consumption and the laws surrounding it require a level of lateral-reasoning in this 'modern' world. The old war has been lost, it only compounded the criminality and created a massively profitable market for organised crime.

As a footnote, in 2017, Israel had the highest percentage of cannabis use amongst its population of 18-65 year-old's, anywhere in the world and the Knesset intends to fully decriminalise cannabis from the 1st of April 2019.

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2 minutes ago, yootalkin2me said:
2 hours ago, Rog said:

Some prices must be paid especially when the benefit outweighs the cost.  I deplore and detest weak and hedonistic people who their actions weaken society. 

I have a number of properties that I rent and while I will turn a blind eye to some small evidence of drink I always evict on the spot for any evidence of drug use or involvement AND inform the police.  For me the best outcome is to see users and dealers quite literally on the street with nowhere to go.

I don't do empathy or sympathy.  Filth belong in the gutter.

You really are one proper horrible cunt.

Well, I can't believe Rog posted that, but you are right to pull him up on it. FFS where is the tolerance Rog ?

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Just now, yootalkin2me said:

He sounds almost as bad as the Nazis


Strangely enough, the Nazi's waged blitzkrieg gurned-up on Pervitin, a variation of Methamphetamine which entranced the Wermacht and SS divisions, keeping them up for days on end. 30 million tablets were issued to the troops in the first couple of months of 'Barbarossa.'

Lack of sleep can make you a bit tetchy... 

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