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Time To Change The Law On Drugs?

La Colombe

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44 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

Maybe, but I can have a great time without having to take mind altering drugs and I would prefer not to have pushers trying to push drugs on my kids and risk ruining their lives.

Then you are limited to what enjoyment there is to be had by not being a drug enthusiast but hey, that's your loss ..LSD has given me some beautiful trips not to mention the good times on ecstacy and before you twat on about me being an imbecile, I'll let you know that I have experienced amazing things whilst not on drugs, and have travelled far and wide.....oh, and I never got addicted to anything and don't take drugs of any kind anymore due to having ''been there, done that and bought the t-shirt'.

I too have kids and they've been brought up to avoid drugs until they can determine what is or isn't good for them when they are adults. I'd much prefer my kids to eat a hash brownie with their mates and play Xbox gamesthan get shitfaced down the pub and inadvertently get into a scrap or worse.

Their decisions, as with everything else in life will be their own and with those decisions come consequences both good, bad and somewhere in between. 

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2 hours ago, Lost Login said:

Maybe, but I can have a great time without having to take mind altering drugs and I would prefer not to have pushers trying to push drugs on my kids and risk ruining their lives.

Have you ever met a 'pusher'? Personally, Ive always had to seek drugs out. Maybe i don't hang around the right places?

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1 hour ago, yootalkin2me said:

Then you are limited to what enjoyment there is to be had by not being a drug enthusiast but hey, that's your loss ..LSD has given me some beautiful trips not to mention the good times on ecstacy and before you twat on about me being an imbecile, I'll let you know that I have experienced amazing things whilst not on drugs, and have travelled far and wide.....oh, and I never got addicted to anything and don't take drugs of any kind anymore due to having ''been there, done that and bought the t-shirt'.

I too have kids and they've been brought up to avoid drugs until they can determine what is or isn't good for them when they are adults. I'd much prefer my kids to eat a hash brownie with their mates and play Xbox gamesthan get shitfaced down the pub and inadvertently get into a scrap or worse.

Their decisions, as with everything else in life will be their own and with those decisions come consequences both good, bad and somewhere in between. 

Yeah, the kids thing. I have a VERY liberal attitude towards drugs, having taken so many and having such a wonderful time. But my kids, hmm. I feel that the education I was given about them (drugs are bad mmmkay) was utterly flawed, and I need to come up with a way of explaining them correctly. The eldest will be coming into the world of 'pushers' (cheers LL) soonish and I'll need to have a word. I think basically my advice is going to be they're pretty much all awesome, but don't do too much too young. In a way, I'm quite looking forward to busting him coming home smashed so I can nick his weed, skin the lot up, and make him whitey to Gong.

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36 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Have you ever met a 'pusher'? Personally, Ive always had to seek drugs out. Maybe i don't hang around the right places?

Unfortunately yes and watching them try and prey on young kids disgusts me. 

I am very anti drugs as I had a mate at university who basically whilst high basically decided he could fly and jumped off a balcony and smashed up both his legs and will never walk again. I also knew somebody who got hit by driver who was high so I am slightly prejudiced and get narked when soft drugs are basically made out to be harmless.    

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7 hours ago, La Colombe said:

Lol. That didn't happen. 

Regretfully it did. The student union bar was also used as a common area and could be accessed any time and the viewing area for the sports hall was just along the corridor from it. After getting high the guy I knew through the rugby club decided he could walk along the top of the balcony wall and lost his balance.

He was not drunk and if posters want to argue that it was not the drugs that caused this then I will accept that as I will accept that it cannot be said with 100% certainty what impaired his judgement that night. But from being their I am convinced it was what he was smoking and yes he was chilled but it was case that he thought it would be really cool thing to do. It still haunts me we did not stop him but a lot of crap was being spoken and the toilets were down the same corridor so when he went off and did it he basically when straight from the toilet rather than return to the bar.  

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52 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

 After getting high the guy I knew through the rugby club decided he could walk along the top of the balcony wall and lost his balance.

Hang on, he thought he could fly a minute ago but now he just lost his balance? It's almost as if you're just making it up as you go along. 

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13 hours ago, Lost Login said:

I am very anti drugs as I had a mate at university who basically whilst high basically decided he could fly and jumped off a balcony and smashed up both his legs

Well then I'm afraid you're mate is an idiot, drugs or no drugs.  I've been in some right states as have alot of people I know and never once has anyone been dumb enough to disregard gravity.  Plus, I find all those stories a little cliche.

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I've been properly wankered on drugs and alcohol loads of times (too many to count) I'm still very much alive.

LL, you're mate at Uni just happens to reinforce Darwin's theory of evolution.....one less idiot on the planet...or could be he was just unlucky, either way, just like everything in life...it's a gamble.

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