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Time To Change The Law On Drugs?

La Colombe

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11 hours ago, quilp said:

Nearly 20 years ago, I was prescribed Prozac (actually by the same GP who wanted to put me on Vioxx), he described it as a new wonder-drug, would alleviate my depression oh yes, yet never mentioned the increased risk of suicidal thoughts, I went through hell for the first couple of months, going sharply downhill.

I've refused to see him since. 

Writing endless grandiose and self important shit on here must be real therapy then. 

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Be aware that Drug Resistant Depression can be treated with something like an 80% success rate. Many trials have been completed and many more are planned. Unfortunately "they" prefer to prescribe lucrative and mostly ineffective drugs which have side effects such as suicide. Rockefeller/Allopathic/BigPharma medicine.

People who go through these innovative trials report long lasting benefits and say it is life transforming.

None of this will come to the Isle of Man.

CARE - SSRI treatments result in addiction and side effects. Tapering is advised as I understand. Even after two years victims may experience brain zaps.

To know what this treatment is (I hesitate to say this), refer to the drug resistant treatment trials at Imperial College, Kings College, or Johns Hopkins.

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This is another substance that needs to be legalised, and which should never have been made illegal.







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9 minutes ago, John Wright said:

He was CowMan last week.

He is 'Uncle Bulgaria' on iomtoady, 'Manxmann' on twitter. Same, unmistakable style, same adjectives, same old same old, etc.

I'm expecting a PM which begins, "Dear Quim..."

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10 minutes ago, quilp said:

He is 'Uncle Bulgaria' on iomtoady, 'Manxmann' on twitter. Same, unmistakable style, same adjectives, same old same old, etc.

I'm expecting a PM which begins, "Dear Quim..."

Access to site banned for both.

Never read the IOM Today comments. Don’t use Twitter. I have an account. Someone hacked it and changed my e-mail address and then squatted an account on my e-mail address. It’s all in Arabic.

Twitter don’t appear interested. I can’t be arsed.

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

He is 'Uncle Bulgaria' on iomtoady, 'Manxmann' on twitter. Same, unmistakable style, same adjectives, same old same old, etc.

I'm expecting a PM which begins, "Dear Quim..."

You would think he would change his style then. Does he not know that he gives himself away everytime. I had him down as an argumentative troll in Men are the Problem topic. Seems people have the measure of him

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/23/2021 at 1:05 AM, Amazed said:

Writing endless grandiose and self important shit on here must be real therapy then. 

The grandiose shit get even better. I mean what sort of absolute fucking clown makes a declaration like this on a public forum. Embarrassing in the extreme. Shows real signs of an out of control superiority complex about how important their opinions are. He’s exercising his right to free speech apparently .. by shouting at other posters like a frothing at the mouth loon and apparently getting posters who don’t agree with his fairly mental views banned from his ‘free speech’ forum. A real cartoon despot of the highest order. 


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32 minutes ago, MasterRace said:

The grandiose shit get even better. I mean what sort of absolute fucking clown makes a declaration like this on a public forum. Embarrassing in the extreme. Shows real signs of an out of control superiority complex about how important their opinions are. He’s exercising his right to free speech apparently .. by shouting at other posters like a frothing at the mouth loon and apparently getting posters who don’t agree with his fairly mental views banned from his ‘free speech’ forum. A real cartoon despot of the highest order. 


Well, if your choice is despot or tosspot, which would you choose?

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