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Time To Change The Law On Drugs?

La Colombe

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6 hours ago, philwebs said:

The arrest and jailing of this woman is stupid and achieves nothing. It demonstrates willful ignorance and stupidity.

"willful ignorance and stupidity"

...erm, by the woman, surely. The warnings she was given couldn't be starker.

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4 hours ago, Little Jeanie said:

I agree with you, but in order to gain tax money and regulate, they will have to be legalised.....decriminalisation is not enough and doesn't cover harm reduction as supply is still in the hands of the criminals and therefore likely not pure, more cause for harm, etc.

The Scottish Government has been making noises about decriminalisation recently and Robin McAlpine (who I reckon is one of the shrewdest commentators anywhere in Britain) wrote a blog post about it yesterday which is worth reading:


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21 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

The Scottish Government has been making noises about decriminalisation recently and Robin McAlpine (who I reckon is one of the shrewdest commentators anywhere in Britain) wrote a blog post about it yesterday which is worth reading:


Excellent article. Legalise and tax drugs to take the trade (mostly) out of the hands of criminals. Some individual will still choose to buy from a dealer so the illegal drugs trade won't go away. It is similar situation with netflix, prime, sky etc, there are people who download their content from torrents or pay for IPTV rather than pay the expensive prices for a streaming service or the extortionate rate for Sky but then they sacrifice quality and risk getting caught.

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3 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

They decriminalized all drugs though which was a mistake. People here are only talking about soft drugs like cannabis. Portugal is pretty hideous with people openly selling coke on the streets the way most other countries street sellers sell ice cream or sunglasses. 

Oh, like Manchester.

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6 hours ago, Little Jeanie said:

I agree with you, but in order to gain tax money and regulate, they will have to be legalised.....decriminalisation is not enough and doesn't cover harm reduction as supply is still in the hands of the criminals and therefore likely not pure, more cause for harm, etc.

Yes. Go the whole hog. Supply to be legalised, regulated and taxed like tobacco and alcohol. Come down hard on criminal pushers and gangs at the same time as attacking their business model. Punitive sentences for any remaining dealers.

3 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

They decriminalized all drugs though which was a mistake. People here are only talking about soft drugs like cannabis. Portugal is pretty hideous with people openly selling coke on the streets the way most other countries street sellers sell ice cream or sunglasses. 

Well then they are doing it wrong if it's still in the hands of street dealers.

1 hour ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Excellent article. Legalise and tax drugs to take the trade (mostly) out of the hands of criminals. Some individual will still choose to buy from a dealer so the illegal drugs trade won't go away. 

Not if it's available for less through official channels. It's only the illegality that loads the price.

Look after the users with help to get off where needed. Consign the criminal profiteers to history. It has to be worth at least trying to go down this road. We have been doing the same thing for 50 years as the problem has grown progressively worse. A large percentage of all crime is due to drugs and feeding addiction, while the lives of generations have been ruined.

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Give the swettys their independence. Let them legalise drugs. England, Wales and NI (and IoM too) can send all their druggy bastards up North (give them assistance with relocation costs and that).

Job done.

Everybody is happy.


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I've got a friend in Nevada, where its been legal for medicinal for about 20 years and recreational for about 5. He was telling me loads of people buy from illegal dealers as its cheaper after the costs, due to adhering to all the rules and regs for growing and then taxes.


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I have a mete in Canada who wont go out at night because stoned drivers are all over the roads and footpaths  ,and people lying in  comas  everywhere , the place is not safe anymore , and the rate of people taking  zombies  has grown significantly  , a social disaster unfolding before their eyes , , 

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12 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

Looks like a good number of prescriptions have been issued already


Funnily enough I saw one of these prescriptions last night.  It's decent quality weed.  But what suprised me was the quantity.  I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting, but it was literally a jam jar sized tub full to the brim.  The dose advice noted to take when required, but not exceed a dose that I calculated would equate to about 10 days for that tub.  You'd be absolutely smashed hitting that much! 

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