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Time To Change The Law On Drugs?

La Colombe

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42 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

That's because that's the desired outcome. No one in government wants to take the controversial but obviously correct steps, its too much work for them. So the 'new' policy they reveal in April next year will be to maintain the status quo, and then in a few years after another election someone will commission a new report because nothing will have changed and the same obvious problems will exist and we'll do it all over again.

One good thing the report does state is "Profit-maximising commercialised models should be avoided, as once implemented it is difficult to roll these back."

The biggest issue places that have legalised cannabis are finding is that the illegal cannabis is cheaper to buy than legal cannabis. This means people are still buying from criminal gangs. But the Island has a massive advantage in controlling the import over those places, the Irish Sea.

If you want any of it to happen you'll need to get on to your MHK's now, way in advance of any debate or potential future report. You can bet your bottom dollar the detractors will do just that and their voice will end up the loudest.

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4 hours ago, Cueey Lewis And The News said:

Strange though. Gary Roberts retires. Within a few months we somehow manage to find the IOMs biggest ever drug haul. 

I doubt it will scratch the surface, I happened along a couple of old heroin addict friends of mine recently, they’re both a mess, it’s absolutely soul destroying, one of them is a lovely lad (the other is a scummy little horror but it takes all sorts 🤷‍♀️) had a great life but got himself caught up in heroin addiction, it happens and is so very very sad. Prohibition is not working, what can be done to save people?

Guarantee there will not be a massive disruption in supply caused by this bust, the press go on like the police got el chappo- ya think? Highly unlikely. 

Good job though, some of that off the streets is better none. 

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11 hours ago, Cueey Lewis And The News said:

Strange though. Gary Roberts retires. Within a few months we somehow manage to find the IOMs biggest ever drug haul. 

biggest ?? perhaps the claimed most value but big refers to size and as a volume i doubt it's the largest.

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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

Not from the reports I have read they have just said it was a large seizure 

It was massive, 750k’s worth of drugs is not to be sniffed at but there is/are always more. 2kg of heroin and 1.25kg of cocaine according to Manx Radio.

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And how many kilograms can be brought over in the back of a car or in the middle of (or even welded within) an artic container each day

Step back and look at this. A kg is humongous in terms of a police find but is sweet Fanny Adams to what can be brought onto the Island so easily. All that the big boys want is a bigger and bigger market place, and they are getting that alright.

Where is the much used maxim "if it saves just one life it will be worth it". Don't give in to the druggie bastards Prohibition all the way and then some.

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5 hours ago, WTF said:

biggest ?? perhaps the claimed most value but big refers to size and as a volume i doubt it's the largest.

That’s what they claim. 

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3 hours ago, cissolt said:

How can this be taken seriously when 42% of the people replying have only ever seen drugs on TV?  Cassie's overdose on Corrie shouldn't be used as a frame of reference to determine drug policy.



Because they are entitled to their opinion as it will still effect them. Most people I know have never used torrent sites but will happily subscribe to Netflix. 

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3 hours ago, cissolt said:

How can this be taken seriously when 42% of the people replying have only ever seen drugs on TV?  Cassie's overdose on Corrie shouldn't be used as a frame of reference to determine drug policy.



You've misunderstood the question.  It was actually about someone's "Level of familiarity with people who have problems with drugs" not just drugs themselves.  You could well have seen or taken or even taken drugs regularly and still say you didn't know anyone with a drug use problem.  The graphic makes this clearer:


It also shows that 59.5% of respondents did have a closer knowledge of those with drug problems and of those that didn't, the vast majority relied on documentaries rather than fiction.

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