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Time To Change The Law On Drugs?

La Colombe

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It seems to me ( and I’m not being judgmental) that a lot of people on here , particularly some of the more regular contributors seem to be illegal drug users.

Thats just how I perceive things from their posts.

Am I right in this?

For my part in my youth ( forty or so years ago)  I had a couple of occasions when I smoked cannabis. Neither experience was that satisfactory, if I’m honest less pleasurable than getting drunk.

As I have said before I wouldn’t know how to get hold of these illegal drugs although most say the Island is awash with them.

If I was so inclined to experiment I imagine I would have to walk down Strand Street with a banner or flag bearing the legend “ looking for drugs, can anyone help?” Or maybe I could issue such a plea on Facebook. Either method I think would land me in trouble with the law.

Again am I right? How would I go about it? Nothing vague like “just hang about on a street corner and wait for someone to offer you some gear”. 

I am genuinely curious.

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I think the big issue is heroin rather than cocaine, I'm told that most of the coke here is absolutely rubbish and there's hardly any cocaine in it? What a waste of time anyway, getting banged up for a lot of crappy white powder.

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Actually then they got banged up for selling a lot of crappy white powder. If you are going to sell an undercover copy some coke, make sure, ferfucksake, its good, er sniff.

Edited by Barlow
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56 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

It seems to me ( and I’m not being judgmental) that a lot of people on here , particularly some of the more regular contributors seem to be illegal drug users.

Thats just how I perceive things from their posts.

Am I right in this?

For my part in my youth ( forty or so years ago)  I had a couple of occasions when I smoked cannabis. Neither experience was that satisfactory, if I’m honest less pleasurable than getting drunk.

As I have said before I wouldn’t know how to get hold of these illegal drugs although most say the Island is awash with them.

If I was so inclined to experiment I imagine I would have to walk down Strand Street with a banner or flag bearing the legend “ looking for drugs, can anyone help?” Or maybe I could issue such a plea on Facebook. Either method I think would land me in trouble with the law.

Again am I right? How would I go about it? Nothing vague like “just hang about on a street corner and wait for someone to offer you some gear”. 

I am genuinely curious.

Snapchat, or just know who to know.

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56 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

It seems to me ( and I’m not being judgmental) that a lot of people on here , particularly some of the more regular contributors seem to be illegal drug users.

Yes, I get the impression too that there are illegal drug users on this forum.

They are just druggie bastards.

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OK thanks.
But I’m not familiar with Snapchat  ( has that got an illegal drug users section?) and I don’t know drug users ( well actually due to the law of averages I probably do, but they don’t disclose their usage to me) And I haven’t got the criminal intelligence that the police have.

So unless I went on Snapchat and said “ anybody got any illegal drugs they’d like to sell me”  ( would that really work?) I’m still without my “ fix”. 
Not that it bothers me I’ve survived until now without it bar the two cannabis episodes in the dim an$ distant past I’ve already mentioned.

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36 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Was there any mention of cannabis in the articles?

It wouldn't be a headline in the media, would it?

What I wonder is if the Police ignored small, personal use, quantities and concentrated on the heroin??? ....and the dealers thereof???

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Kopek, our kid, you been on that cheeky prosecco again or what? (?????)

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On 6/24/2024 at 9:11 PM, The Voice of Reason said:

It seems to me ( and I’m not being judgmental) that a lot of people on here , particularly some of the more regular contributors seem to be illegal drug users.

Thats just how I perceive things from their posts.

Am I right in this?

For my part in my youth ( forty or so years ago)  I had a couple of occasions when I smoked cannabis. Neither experience was that satisfactory, if I’m honest less pleasurable than getting drunk.

As I have said before I wouldn’t know how to get hold of these illegal drugs although most say the Island is awash with them.

If I was so inclined to experiment I imagine I would have to walk down Strand Street with a banner or flag bearing the legend “ looking for drugs, can anyone help?” Or maybe I could issue such a plea on Facebook. Either method I think would land me in trouble with the law.

Again am I right? How would I go about it? Nothing vague like “just hang about on a street corner and wait for someone to offer you some gear”. 

I am genuinely curious.

You don’t have to be a user of anything to see what a senseless waste of money it is prosecuting and jailing cannabis users. Plod will shout from the rooftop how good they are at catching “drug dealers” when in reality all they are catching is the bottom feeder mules. It’s really embarrassing…

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