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Time To Change The Law On Drugs?

La Colombe

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31 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Incredibly mushrooms are class A, so he'll probably get a savage sentence. The benefit to society in prosecuting this man is zero.

The law is fucking retarded, and so are its supporters.

It's simple possession, at most he will get a fine, probation or some community service

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19 minutes ago, WTF said:

my understanding too is once you harvest/start to process them you are breaking the law ,  

Thought harvesting was ok.  i.e. picking them up in a field.  But as soon as you start preparing them i.e. drying, chopping, mixing with food; then it was illegal.  I wonder if they were local (it's the right time of year) or he was growing more exotic varieties. 

ETA this is the law in UK

Up until 2005, due to the way the law was written, only dried magic mushrooms were outlawed. This led to more than 400 shops around the country selling fresh mushrooms with no repercussions.  

However, the government's Drugs Act 2005 closed the loophole by banning magic mushrooms regardless of whether they are dried, packaged or fresh.

Nonetheless, Cannabis and Mushrooms, both things that are now being recognised and researched into being sometimes beneficial for mental and physical health. 

Unsurprisingly there are no medical studies into Cocaine, Heroine, Meth etc.

Some interesting studies on MDMA (Ecstacy) for PTSD and depression going on at the moment.  


Edited by The Phantom
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3 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

Go take it up with your local MHK if you feel that strongly about it

Well, it doesn't affect me in the slightest so I'm not going to do that. Were I a member of the Constabulary however, I may well be inclined to lobby the relevant MHK. The police are after all, the public face of such nonsensical legislation. 

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1 hour ago, La Colombe said:

Well, it doesn't affect me in the slightest so I'm not going to do that. Were I a member of the Constabulary however, I may well be inclined to lobby the relevant MHK. The police are after all, the public face of such nonsensical legislation. 

But on the other hand, if you're a copper and you didn't have the ridiculous drug laws to enforce, you'd be stuck investigating bike thefts from three months ago.  

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7 hours ago, Barlow said:

An interesting point.

Mental health issues. Let's start with 'young people'

Cannabis is not benign as many would try and make us believe. It is available in schools, maybe even primary schools these days. I was a stewed ant when I smoked cannabis. Interesting stuff indeed. But potentially a pure unadultered fuck in the head for a young growing teenager. I'll just say that again: " a fuck in the head". Just so the dope heads among ye, rearing up to protest that alcohol is little different and all that. An argumnet, I would agree with btw, upto a point, but let's leave that out of it just now.

So the fucked up teenager has a fucked up head and goes to the doctor or similar about their concerns and is prescribed valium or similar. (Yeah, kids prescribed traquilizers - now that is a fucked-up society). And so the fucked-upedness continues.

OK, an over simplification and there are other matters in our society that contribute, but I would say the answer is:

illegal, prescribed and both.

I think you are probably "fucked " up as you use the term so often

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16 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

Go take it up with your local MHK if you feel that strongly about it

Which of them do you think would take it with me?  Daffers surely must be down with it. Although to be honest it seems that most of them are on hallucinogenics most of the time. 

12 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

But on the other hand, if you're a copper and you didn't have the ridiculous drug laws to enforce, you'd be stuck investigating bike thefts from three months ago.  

You get to play with armour and guns raiding someone's chemistry kit though. 

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30 minutes ago, Bombay Bad Boy said:

Should've grown 100 acres of it, that would've been fine.

Nobody is ever growing 100 acres over here.  I doubt anyone will even grow an acre to be honest. But what you mean is, get a flashy website, scam some locals to crowd fund you and pay the GSC (who are supposed to be doing the Canabis licecening) a fee.   Bodes well. 


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