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Time To Change The Law On Drugs?

La Colombe

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Consultation Question 1 -  Is a new approach on cannabis legislation long overdue?


Person A  -  Yeah man, legalise it already, then just chill right.... 

Person B  -  OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR EVEN ASKING THE QUESTION!!! Just birch the bastards and hang them. And then birch them again. 


Consultation Question 2  -  Err, can I have my fee now? 

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4 hours ago, gettafa said:

LC, you might be able to make the choice about drugs and their use, but people in government have to make decisions on behalf of society.

You were only telling us about yer mate Mac the other day. The drugs done it.

Kids these days, and thick adults, want to be pop stars and that innit. It's a cool life and that. Unfortunately they is shit at just about anything that could make them a cool popstar. The only thing they can do to emulate their heroes, is to take the same drugs as them. For some strange reason, such drugs make these fools believe they is a pop star too. Just for a little while. Then sometimes they becomes dead too.


Something tells me your'e an alchy with a destroyed liver, and a terrible lifestyle.

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One ofthr reasons for legalising cannabis is to make it cheaper, take out the dealers and leave more money in the pockets of those who have to have a bit a weed.

Allinsons suggestion that it could be a valuable local industry would seem to make that improbable? Profits will be involved!

Farmers would want more than they get for spuds and cabbages.

New set ups would have a good profit in mind.

What's involved? Polytunnels, heaters, blowers and humidifiers? All has to be paid for before and built in to the bottom line. Is it really going to be cheaper?

........and it's only for medical grade cannabis!!!

However, I'm clearing a bit more space in my attick!!!


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I like the idea of cutting the middle man out. I suppose with teh government selling it, it will also mean the drugs won't have been ferried up someone's swetty arse/fanny on the boat before they arrive here? But maybe that was the old days when there weren't so much of the stuff around.

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On Monday, July 16, 2018 at 11:07 AM, John Wright said:

But I’ve seen dozens of cases where the decision to prosecute, both by police and AG’s has been perverse, there was insufficient evidence and no public interest, and in spite of representations by defence advocates, or orders for full disclosure by courts,  prosecutions have not provided essential evidence, often because the police didn’t provide it.

That is more worrying, lives put on hold, money spent on defence, jobs lost.

Ive even experienced cases where, on being called out as duty advocate, it became apparent, on reviewing the custody record, that there were insufficient grounds for arrest or detention. Representations meant their immediate release.

Its a system, it involves humans, some of its subjective, errors can, and do, happen. It’s why equality of arms is an essential part of a fair system in encounters between citizen and state.

Hi John, is there a compensation to be paid to those you described as under arrest without suuficient grounds initially ? Just wondering thanks. Would the police instigate such a payment or would it be up to the injured party to claim? 

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