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Pkf Report On Mea


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Its been disclosed in Tynwald today that the report is NOT complete and that copies of the report that have been given to members has larges areas of the report blanked out, Allan Bell said this was done for legal reasons :angry:

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Its been disclosed in Tynwald today that the report is NOT complete and that copies of the report that have been given to members has larges areas of the report blanked out, Allan Bell said this was done for legal reasons :angry:


How can this be ????? This was a Public Report paid for out of taxpayers money. Why dont our Politicians and Civil servants realise that by blatantly witholding information from us lowly individuals that it leads to total mistrust and conspiracy theories. So here goes what is being hidden when the official line is NOBODY IS TO BLAME.

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Also the costings of the main contractor PGT (Pulrose Gas Turbine ltd) seems to be missing from the report, and Mr Downie has said its due to commercial confidentialality.


The gas obtained from the UK costs the MEA 33p per therm and the cost charged to pump it through the pipe line is 19p per therm on top, why have the MEA signed a contract like this when it only cost about 1/2p per therm to transport in to other areas

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Is this really likely to happen:


"The former chairman and full board of the Manx Electricity Authority may have to appear before Tynwald tomorrow.


When today's sitting resumes this afternoon (Tuesday) Michael M.H.K. David Cannan will propose they appear at the Bar of the Court, to answer questions on the financial problems now facing the company.


If Tynwald supports Mr Cannan the former board would be questioned from 2.30 tomorrow afternoon."


Source: Manxradio.com

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MEA board were asked whether payments to Skyward committe members was discussed/aproved,the aproximate half page answer was blacked out!


From a report of about 200 pages it certainly appears to be a large area?


source--PKF report

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Is this really likely to happen:


"The former chairman and full board of the Manx Electricity Authority may have to appear before Tynwald tomorrow.


When today's sitting resumes this afternoon (Tuesday) Michael M.H.K. David Cannan will propose they appear at the Bar of the Court, to answer questions on the financial problems now facing the company.


If Tynwald supports Mr Cannan the former board would be questioned from 2.30 tomorrow afternoon."


Source: Manxradio.com



It never got off the ground.


PFK also indicates that £10million is missing or cant be accounted for, it was put against the survey into wind farms but no survey exists.


It also came out in Tynwald today that Mike Proffit was paid almost £1million


Onchan are to get shafted over the MEA, the money allocated to build the new Onchan school is to be used to pay the MEAs dept

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Is this really likely to happen:


"The former chairman and full board of the Manx Electricity Authority may have to appear before Tynwald tomorrow.


When today's sitting resumes this afternoon (Tuesday) Michael M.H.K. David Cannan will propose they appear at the Bar of the Court, to answer questions on the financial problems now facing the company.


If Tynwald supports Mr Cannan the former board would be questioned from 2.30 tomorrow afternoon."


Source: Manxradio.com



It never got off the ground.


PFK also indicates that £10million is missing or cant be accounted for, it was put against the survey into wind farms but no survey exists.


It also came out in Tynwald today that Mike Proffit was paid almost £1million


Onchan are to get shafted over the MEA, the money allocated to build the new Onchan school is to be used to pay the MEAs dept



The PKF doesn't say that £10 million is missing. It says it wasn't spent on windfarms and was used on the power station ... seriously which would you prefer, the lights out and an unfinished power station, but with £10 million in the bank to be spent on windfarms if and when the planners approve it!

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Is this really likely to happen:


"The former chairman and full board of the Manx Electricity Authority may have to appear before Tynwald tomorrow.


When today's sitting resumes this afternoon (Tuesday) Michael M.H.K. David Cannan will propose they appear at the Bar of the Court, to answer questions on the financial problems now facing the company.


If Tynwald supports Mr Cannan the former board would be questioned from 2.30 tomorrow afternoon."


Source: Manxradio.com



It never got off the ground.


PFK also indicates that £10million is missing or cant be accounted for, it was put against the survey into wind farms but no survey exists.


It also came out in Tynwald today that Mike Proffit was paid almost £1million


Onchan are to get shafted over the MEA, the money allocated to build the new Onchan school is to be used to pay the MEAs dept



The PKF doesn't say that £10 million is missing. It says it wasn't spent on windfarms and was used on the power station ... seriously which would you prefer, the lights out and an unfinished power station, but with £10 million in the bank to be spent on windfarms if and when the planners approve it!


It that is true then why was that question asked in the Keys today

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The bit I heard was quite interesting. Delaney was discussing the terms of reference for the PKF report, basically the document detailing what Tynwald actually wanted them to investigate. It didn't state that Tynwald wanted to know whom was responsible (or not), as he pointed out it's up to Tynwald members to decide who was responsible by evaluating the report.


The point he was trying to make was why did PKF add statements saying that no one person is to blame and it was simply a break down in communication when at no point was it specificied to either make comment or investigate who was responsible. It was never asked of PKF. He also made a point about how it was bizarre the report was "leaked" to the press who jumped on the fact "no one to blame" - when again, PKF were never asked to even consider this!


Alan Bell was under attack throughout and I must admit, I felt sorry for the guy. Lots of "mmm", "ehmm", "I believe so", "to the best of my knowledge". For once I feel Tynwald actually think someones trying to pull the wool over there eyes and they're not playing.

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just to clear something up..does anyone know the truth behind the windfarm project? Clearly something happened to it and it was run because they put the results on the website...did it perhaps not cost a full £10mm, the balance being spent on something else, if so where was it recorded..I don't know whether the £10mm windfarm project is one of these myths that's conflated with other stories..

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It was also said that MCC were looking for a back door to obtain the ilegal loans and this was backed up with a Document from the MEAs Advocate


If the survey into wind farms was to cost £10 million were did profit get the money to complete the survey for his new wind farm company and what happened to the one the MEA is aleged to have paid for

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just to clear something up..does anyone know the truth behind the windfarm project? Clearly something happened to it and it was run because they put the results on the website...did it perhaps not cost a full £10mm, the balance being spent on something else, if so where was it recorded..I don't know whether the £10mm windfarm project is one of these myths that's conflated with other stories..


The executive summary says it hasn't been spent [on windfarms] and the section on Board Minutes says it was spent on other other purposes.


One thing to say this money wasn't for a survey into windfarms ... it was for developing wind farms.


I don't think the conspiracy theorists should jump on the fact that the executive summary says the £10 million wasn't spent to say its missing ... the PKF report has accounted for the spending; nothing is missing, the £10 million was used to build the power station or the gas pipeline or on some linesmans or operators salary ... who can say where a particular pound was spent!

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Also the costings of the main contractor PGT (Pulrose Gas Turbine ltd) seems to be missing from the report, and Mr Downie has said its due to commercial confidentialality.

So Mr Downie says that the public - i.e. those who financed the whole sorry mess - cannot see how much of their money was spent on building the Pulrose Station because , err, Mr Downie said so, err, I mean, because of "commercial confidentiality".


So what exactly IS "commercial confidentiality" in this case? Well, in this case it means how much Joe Public had to spend on building the power station. Mr Downie has decided that those who paid for it have no right to know how much it cost them because those sorts of figures just confuse the ordinary voter and may even make them take a closer look at how their elected representatives are performing on their behalf. Of course, if it was a bargain everyone would be assailed with figures showing how astute all those involved have been with taxpayers money. As your own government can't afford to let you know the numbers I'll leave it to you to figure out just what kind of deal you have had for your tax dollar.


Here's a little clue, it cost an awful lot more than similar projects in the UK.....

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Also the costings of the main contractor PGT (Pulrose Gas Turbine ltd) seems to be missing from the report, and Mr Downie has said its due to commercial confidentialality.


The gas obtained from the UK costs the MEA 33p per therm and the cost charged to pump it through the pipe line is 19p per therm on top, why have the MEA signed a contract like this when it only cost about 1/2p per therm to transport in to other areas

The combined cost of gas plus the transmission cost of the gas really does leave me gobsmacked.


How on earth can the building of a PowerStation ON the island be justified when for one thing the transmission costs of electricity would be a gnats cock of the cost of the transmission cost of the fuel to create the electricity, and for another there was to be (was) a damn great cable being laid to the Mainland that could have been tied into the UK National Grid and power then purchased from the most competitive supplier?


Seriously, whoever the bright spark (not) was who agreed to the strategy that has been employed, quite apart form what motivated whoever put it up, should be tied by the nadgers behind a horse tram and pulled several times along the full length of the Prom.


Incompetent? Somewhere some village must be mourning the loss of their idiot.


Who WAS the decision maker who agreed to this fiasco?

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