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Prince Philip retires


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7 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Judging by how you think physically intimidating teenagers is okay, I am not that upset that I don't share the same principles (if that is what you choose to call them).

And as for being employed by you, I'd pass.  Again, you patronising tone would annoy the shit out of me (and probably the same for your employees, but they don't want to tell you to your face for fear of being bullied out of their jobs).

You do know want patronising means do you .:lol:?

Edit to add Your claim of physically intimidating teenagers is factually incorrect .

I'm aware of what you are referring to and if you care to go back to that thread you will see that "Verbally" would be more accurate .

I would be grateful if you would admit your error:flowers:


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25 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Over the years?  Yeah during the war (all those years ago) but living in luxury and having access to the best of everything there is to offer (by virtue of marrying the right person) is hardly "putting in the effort".

His parentage and standing already guaranteed "access to the best of everything there is to offer" before he married his 3rd cousin Liz. That he was born into royalty was circumstance. His service record during WW2 is commendable; in the thick of battle his prompt actions and inventiveness allowed his ship to escape enemy bombers, saving the lives of many and were 'mentioned in despatches.' Doesn't matter that is was all those years ago, he's still a living embodiment of a patriotic Britain and an icon of our culture, however out-dated and archaic it may appear.

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3 minutes ago, quilp said:

His parentage and standing already guaranteed "access to the best of everything there is to offer" before he married his 3rd cousin Liz. That he was born into royalty was circumstance. His service record during WW2 is commendable; in the thick of battle his prompt actions and inventiveness allowed his ship to escape enemy bombers, saving the lives of many and were 'mentioned in despatches.' Doesn't matter that is was all those years ago, he's still a living embodiment of a patriotic Britain and an icon of our culture, however out-dated and archaic it may appear.

If only there were other brave men and women who fought and died during the war, without the advantage of a privileged upbringing and a cushy gig to go back to afterwards...


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5 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Judging by how you think physically intimidating teenagers is okay, I am not that upset that I don't share the same principles (if that is what you choose to call them).

And as for being employed by you, I'd pass.  Again, you patronising tone would annoy the shit out of me (and probably the same for your employees, but they don't want to tell you to your face for fear of being bullied out of their jobs).

As you have chosen to tell a lie (see above) in  stating that I  think" physically intimidating teenagers is ok" (and not taken the opportunity offered to correct your post) you perhaps won't object to me pointing out a couple of truths about yourself.

You chose to be part of an organisation which swore an allegiance to "Queen and Country"  which can and has been responsible for the killing and maiming of innocent civilians , because  "you had bills to pay". "Only obeying orders" was a defence by some at Nuremberg. 

You subsequently decide to slag of the hand that fed you (HM gov) and later AG (behind his back)  and purport to adopt a holier than thou hypocritical attitude abdicating all responsibility for your  past and have the front to claim you have principles :lol:.

You then proceed to throw around allegations in relation to my character and how my employees view  me ...... because presumably that's ok and a "argument"with a snivelling brat such as yourself?

I suspect that " I annoy the shit out of you " because I , and perhaps others, can see you for exactly what you are , an unprincipled hypocritical lying little shit who thinks the world owes them a living.

The world has not treated you badly  you are where you are  because you haven't got the wit , drive or ability to be other than a failure in life.

I have posted this in order to try and help you because you may be so deluded as to think that you are AOK  

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4 minutes ago, paswt said:

As you have chosen to tell a lie (see above) in  stating that I  think" physically intimidating teenagers is ok" (and not taken the opportunity offered to correct your post) you perhaps won't object to me pointing out a couple of truths about yourself.

I didn't tell a lie at all.  In a previous thread you stated that you were comfortable (and had in the past) threatened a teenager with physical violence for being "gobby".


You chose to be part of an organisation which swore an allegiance to "Queen and Country"  which can and has been responsible for the killing and maiming of innocent civilians , because  "you had bills to pay". "Only obeying orders" was a defence by some at Nuremberg.

I joined the RAF at 17 years old.  If you can honestly say you have exactly the same political and ethical ideology that you do now as you did at 17 I will call you a liar.  "Only obeying orders" was used as a defence, and then correctly dismissed as not being a defence.


You then proceed to throw around allegations in relation to my character and how my employees view  me ...... because presumably that's ok and a "argument"with a snivelling brat such as yourself?

I did not throw allegations around.  I made assumptions (based on your posts) and expressed my opinions.  You should learn the difference.


I suspect that " I annoy the shit out of you " because I , and perhaps others, can see you for exactly what you are , an unprincipled hypocritical lying little shit who thinks the world owes them a living.

I suspect you are blissfully unaware how pretentious and patronising you are.  I never said the world owes me a living.  You are just ranting and raving, so as to appear hurt (also called playing the victim).


The world has not treated you badly  you are where you are  because you haven't got the wit , drive or ability to be other than a failure in life.

I never stated the world treated me badly.  A failure in life?  Hyperbole much there sport?  You sure do lay the drama on nice and thick.


I have posted this in order to try and help you because you may be so deluded as to think that you are AOK

You have posted this in some misguided and misinformed rant because I stood up to you and challenged your presumption.


In the interest of MF on going harmony, I am going to let you stew in your angry little puddle, and not comment further on the thread.  I have stated my opinions (and that is all they are) on The Greek and AG, and I have made my opinions on you clear.

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