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The violence of austerity


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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

No its more the "I am doing you a favour by giving you a job" where the reality is more like "if you cant find someone to do X job, you aren't able to do it yourself"

I've employed people and I felt it unreasonable to ask anyone to do what I wasn't prepared to do myself.

I treat folk as I would like to be treated myself , most respond well but some see  that attitude as a sign of weakness and  take the ******* . What I do find amusing is when you pull them up these folk then play the thick/ thought we were mates/ victim card. 

Once someone has 'had you over' I would always part company ......... for good ............ if they've done it once and feel "they've got away with it" they will , perhaps sometime in the future do it again.

I think it is unfair to generalise that all employers are despicable :flowers: 

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Yes. Treat as you would want to be treated yourself. This kind of mindset as we had earlier from Richard:

There is a difference between being an employer and being a "holier than thou" - be grateful for the opportunity to whore your expertise for my gain employer. HNWI would not be where they are without the actual sweat of people who know what they are doing.

is quite common among people with his politics. As I said I was very left wing as a youngster and I thought exactly the same way. Then you get some experience of business and see how things actually are. Of course there ARE some abominable employers and some of them are very large companies, but it is not the rule by any means. I have had the experience of running an overdraft deeper and deeper into debt to carry on paying the staff while taking nothing myself. I know many others who have done the same. Yes, of course, I was hoping things would turn around, but until you've walked the walk in the responsible position of employing people, you don't really have much of a clue.

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

Yes. Treat as you would want to be treated yourself. This kind of mindset as we had earlier from Richard:

There is a difference between being an employer and being a "holier than thou" - be grateful for the opportunity to whore your expertise for my gain employer. HNWI would not be where they are without the actual sweat of people who know what they are doing.

is quite common among people with his politics. As I said I was very left wing as a youngster and I thought exactly the same way. Then you get some experience of business and see how things actually are. Of course there ARE some abominable employers and some of them are very large companies, but it is not the rule by any means. I have had the experience of running an overdraft deeper and deeper into debt to carry on paying the staff while taking nothing myself. I know many others who have done the same. Yes, of course, I was hoping things would turn around, but until you've walked the walk in the responsible position of employing people, you don't really have much of a clue.

Fair comment , I've been up and down a few times with a few  "****** or bust" moments:D when I could have lost everything , perhaps I was lucky but nothing ventured .................

I've spoken with a few folk who have never backed themselves and 'taken a chance' who somehow think that the world has treated them badly because other  folk ,who they consider their intellectual inferiors, have ended up in a better financial situation than themselves.

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4 hours ago, P.K. said:

Sure, but you're not a charity, are you Woolster? Ultimately most of the above are for your own personal gain.

I recall that after one of your many rails against EU legislation I pointed out that it included the rights of employees to paid holiday.

I can still taste the bitterness in your response.....

Well you make a comment like that but post nothing to back it up. I think I remember some such exchange but I recall that I replied something along the lines that holidays WERE actually heard of before the EU came along. For instance, I had 4 weeks holiday at work before EU interference on such matters was thought of. In my own companies, employees have 50% more holiday entitlement than that laid down in statute, so I don't really see why I would be replying with bitterness. If I did so, it was more likely to be because you were postulating that the existence and extension of holiday entitlement should be ascribed to EU membership when it was nothing to do with it. Just another of those things that the EU spuriously claims credit for.

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Ooh, I could be a sugary roving reporter, inviting twenty something girls in need of twenty quid back to my broadcast van so I can take pictures of them for their "modelling portfolio". I quite like this alternative me. 

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15 hours ago, woolley said:

Companies pay far more in salaries and taxes then their proprietors ever make for themselves.

Sure....Google/GKR/UniLever/Ford/etc are not in it for the profit of it, but to pay salaries and taxes...

So AG's £1.2 Billion estate was less than the wages and taxes (hahahahahahahaha) that he paid?

You think the Forbes 1000 got that way by paying more in salaries an taxes than they personally make?

Your balance sheet would be an entertaining read.

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