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The violence of austerity


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16 hours ago, woolley said:

Well you make a comment like that but post nothing to back it up. I think I remember some such exchange but I recall that I replied something along the lines that holidays WERE actually heard of before the EU came along. For instance, I had 4 weeks holiday at work before EU interference on such matters was thought of. In my own companies, employees have 50% more holiday entitlement than that laid down in statute, so I don't really see why I would be replying with bitterness. If I did so, it was more likely to be because you were postulating that the existence and extension of holiday entitlement should be ascribed to EU membership when it was nothing to do with it. Just another of those things that the EU spuriously claims credit for.

ATM I am on hols with much better half, dodgy signal, dumb smartphone (by choice) and need to track down the sublime red we had over dinner last night prior to Nabucco this pm.

Busy busy busy.....

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2 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Sure....Google/GKR/UniLever/Ford/etc are not in it for the profit of it, but to pay salaries and taxes...

So AG's £1.2 Billion estate was less than the wages and taxes (hahahahahahahaha) that he paid?

You think the Forbes 1000 got that way by paying more in salaries an taxes than they personally make?

Your balance sheet would be an entertaining read.

You are quoting public companies. Their profits are on public record. Shares are available and are owned by pension funds and outside financial institutions as well as individuals. You can buy them if you want to and share in the profits. Of course most companies pay out more in salaries and taxes than they make in profits. Ludicrous to think otherwise. You usually have to employ a lot of people to make a lot of money. Employing people is expensive.

If you are making 10% nett or thereabouts on turnover in a company you are reckoned to be doing OK. If you can double that you are outperforming.


Wages and salaries do vary according to the type of business and how labour intensive it is, but 30-40% of turnover would be an average. Some less but some double that. Then there are the various taxes and charges to find. Profit v labour cost and taxes? It is no contest, I assure you.

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11 minutes ago, P.K. said:

ATM I am on hols with much better half, dodgy signal, dumb smartphone (by choice) and need to track down the sublime red we had over dinner last night prior to Nabucco this pm.

Busy busy busy.....

Not much "violence of austerity" there then, PK. ;) Don't worry about the nagging conscience. Enjoy! :)

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18 hours ago, P.K. said:

I dispute that.

Signing a cheque is easy. The 'work' of a moment.

Giving up your time and getting your hands dirty is an entirely different thing.

For a start it's an experience and as we all know experience can age you. Unlike writing a cheque....

well I don't begrudge you having a holiday , you deserve it after all that "hands on" charity work.:D

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3 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

I don't think it's very fair to bring Gubay into the argument with woolley. Gubay did a lot more work for charity, you can't expect woolley to compete with that

I did know a fair bit about him and also know people who have dealt with him, Stinky. He did lots of things in the course of his long and active life. I wouldn't claim to be in his league. How many of us are? Let us say he could at times have a somewhat abrasive manner and leave it there.

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Just now, woolley said:

Hmmmm. I don't believe we can agree on that, Stinky, unless we are talking purely in amounts of money which obvously I would not dispute. It is easier for a camel etc.

If you saw the amount of Catholic big wigs when they put in his golden box, I think you would rethink that position...

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