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The violence of austerity


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37 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

You clearly know very little about trade....except perhaps for trade in La La Land.

Read a couple of books on it.

Forgotten more than you'll ever know. Strange how most of the countries in the world manage fine, but as the 5th largest global economy we're somehow too fookin' stupid. Stop listening to the narrative.

Quota + 1.

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3 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Have you heard of a little thing called "society" and a little thing called "human empathy"?

"There but for the grace of...."

The trouble is though, Richard, there are always those who will take advantage and get the deserving causes a bad name.

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13 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

So why should other people have to.pay for it?

Excuse me? Why should other people have to pay to fund poor elderly people to have fuel allowance? I'm not even going to dignify that stupid question with a response. Well, since that is technically a response already, I'll continue: because we all live in society and we all operate in it under a concept you're probably too special to know about called "Social Contract Theory". Look it up. We are supposed to care for the sick, the poor, the elderly, and the vulnerable. It's called morals and being a decent human being. Businesses also operate in society under this social contract. It is the reason why individuals, businesses and governments all have something which in law is called a "duty of care". I am embarrassed that I even need to explain this. 

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25 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Same could be said of tax dodgers and aggressive avoiders...

Indeed. You won't find me defending them. Although it is somewhat galling that they will throw the book at the little man if he's on the fiddle while the global corporates take the mickey on a grand scale through tax havens. Roll on country by country reporting whereby it is mandatory to pay full taxes in the territory where you earn the revenue just as an indigenous business has to.

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17 hours ago, woolley said:

It isn't a cost effective measure when paid to those who don't require it including millionaires. That is the kind of thing that really should be targeted only to those who need it.

Actually I don't need it! My place is hot as hell in the winter and heating and hot water comes with the £15 a week service charge...I just pay my leccy meter...But it is handy just before Xmas to get £200!

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5 hours ago, woolley said:

On the contrary. An independent nation can trade on its own terms rather than those dictated by the central bureaucracy. It's strange, isn't it, that we are told we need to be in the EU to facilitate trade, but if the EU didn't exist we could trade freely with all of the nations of Europe and also arrange our own trade with the rest of the world.

So this bastion of trade is actually an impediment to trade. It is actually nothing to do with trade. It is all about the lunatic, utopian ideas of peacenik, liberal globalists allied with those fellow travellers who have grown fat feasting at the trough. This is why we are seeing such a rearguard action from them all.

Oh look. I just reached my EU quota for the day. Enjoy the sunshine, PK.

Actually, I found this article rather illuminating   Suggest you read it...


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