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The violence of austerity


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17 minutes ago, Tarne said:

Free Greggs? Aww man, I'm coming to live with you :P 

We have an empty flat...But you have to be 55 and upwards to live here. The Job Centre is on London Road at the junction with Parkway...For your Bennies...How times change. Bennies used to mean the popular social drug Benzedrine...

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9 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Down on my manor we have lots of beggars. They have their pitches. They change like the guards at Buckingham Palace..

All is organised. I watch them. They are all well fed. They most of them have nice hair..Quite a few smoke tailor-mades as they beg and that must be £8 a packet..

The City Council has put up posters asking people not to give them money on the basis that they need help and if you pay them they are distanced from the help that is available. The Council says that the beggars are refusing accommodation probably because they would have to "come in" and be helped back to work.

Saw plenty of "professional" beggars in Liverpool One. They have the abject "head down" looking posture holding a Costa cup or whatever down to a fine art. I think they are really scummy because of the way they con folks out of their cash. You can tell them by the way they have virtually no baggage other than a blanket or sleeping bag for effect and a scabrous dog in tow. In other words their stuff is back in a hostel somewhere.

The folks who "Liked" Barry's post made me smile. All the usual suspects wanting to massage their consciences. Laughable! 

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20 minutes ago, P.K. said:


The folks who "Liked" Barry's post made me smile. All the usual suspects wanting to massage their consciences. Laughable! 

You're probably the only one laughing. Commenting on who likes what verges on the idiosyncratic. What is it with you? 

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26 minutes ago, quilp said:

You're probably the only one laughing. Commenting on who likes what verges on the idiosyncratic. What is it with you? 

A nibble, no less, inevitably from The Woolster fanbase.

Where have you been? I've posted up a couple of "xenophobic, thick as etc etc" recently and all to no avail. Still, welcome back old chap.

It's not idiosyncratic to me that the same names crop up on the same side of the same issues. To me it's just business as usual....

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I've been catching up old chip. Was on 'manoeuvres' for a while...

Not all of them "scummy beggar's" are con merchants. Or were you massaging your conscience? Some of those lads living on the periphery of society are old planks, dontcha know...? 

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Am I glad to see you, Quilp. It's been a very lonely Guardian fuelled libfest around here lately. They have been bullying me incessantly. Do you know that Bazza accused me of being SEVENTY; and then that arse Tatlock said I have an IQ to match! A sensitive person could get very upset. Maybe have a melt down. Good job I don't go running to the mods over all of this abuse.............

Old PK on the other hand, he's not so bad really. He's just a sucker for a leftie hard luck story.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Am I glad to see you, Quilp. It's been a very lonely Guardian fuelled libfest around here lately. They have been bullying me incessantly. Do you know that Bazza accused me of being SEVENTY; and then that arse Tatlock said I have an IQ to match! A sensitive person could get very upset. Maybe have a melt down. Good job I don't go running to the mods over all of this abuse.............

Old PK on the other hand, he's not so bad really. He's just a sucker for a leftie hard luck story.

I think you misread it! I said "Great minds think alike" and he (Mr T) commented about IQ in relation to my post in this context...Age and IQ are not really related are they?...But I had you down in my mind as a man of 70 who had recently escaped from the IOM with booty intact..

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Really? Are you sure? I thought he was just doing a (sort of clever) play on words. Maybe it's my persecution complex kicking in again. Wrong on all counts otherwise, Bazza. Still here on the rock. Booty largely elsewhere nowadays though!

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

Really? Are you sure? I thought he was just doing a (sort of clever) play on words. Maybe it's my persecution complex kicking in again. Wrong on all counts otherwise, Bazza. Still here on the rock. Booty largely elsewhere nowadays though!

I thought you were in Norfolk! That's why I thought you were 70...As they say on medical records "NFN" ...(Normal for Norfolk)

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

Really? Are you sure? I thought he was just doing a (sort of clever) play on words. Maybe it's my persecution complex kicking in again. Wrong on all counts otherwise, Bazza. Still here on the rock. Booty largely elsewhere nowadays though!

Tray of bread pudding for you in the post courtesy of Greggs....Scrape the mould off...Make your own penicillin!

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25 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

I thought you were in Norfolk! That's why I thought you were 70...As they say on medical records "NFN" ...(Normal for Norfolk)

I think you are confusing me with Spook - don't know whether to laugh or cry! - which is in itself pretty spooky seeing I was only asking if anyone here knew him IRL a little while ago. No. Spooky had God in a big way and I fear he is going to be awfully disappointed come the day. If it hasn't come already seeing as he is so conspicuous by his absence.

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