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Anti-semitic loser Roger Waters (previously of Pink Floyd) makes fool of himself


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Musical "legend" [their words ] Roger Waters is calling out fellow performers for refusing to participate in the boycott movement for Palestinian rights (BDS). He explains his views in an exclusive interview, coming up Thursday on RT America.

Personally, I always felt David Gilmour was the  brains, talent and creative force behind Pink Floyd.

Can anyone explain how Waters has mysteriously developed a farmer's accent, having previously used a posh accent? Was he faking it then, or is he faking it now? Tosser.

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When he joins a group who boycott Saudi Arabia for its human rights abuses, then I'll give all due consideration to him not being an anti-semite with an exclusive obsession with Israel, an obsession which can only be due to two things: 1) because it's a Jewish state, hence anti-semitic reasoning; or 2) because it's the only democratic state in the middle east, hence Waters is an enemy of democracy. As I understand he is not opposed to democracy, I can only assume it is because he is opposed to the existence of a Jewish state. If you look into their basis for boycotting Israel, it's really frivolous bollocks. Anyone with a brain can figure out it's because they don't like Jews and because they subscribe to retarded conspiracy theories involving Jews running the world or running America and Britain. It's pathetic and totally removed from the reality of world affairs.

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10 minutes ago, llap said:

Personally, I always felt David Gilmour was the  brains, talent and creative force behind Pink Floyd.

That's like asking whether it was John or Paul who were the talent in the Beatles. The Wall and the Final Cut were written by Waters, but relied on Gilmore's musicianship. Swings and roundabouts. 

Waters is just like Lennon (the millionaire who imagined no possessions), he's a dinosaur whose politics are a part of his creative talent but are at heart totally bonkers. 

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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

And I not only disagree with both of you, and BDS, and Waters, but also myself. You're all wrong.

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14 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

That's like asking whether it was John or Paul who were the talent in the Beatles. The Wall and the Final Cut were written by Waters, but relied on Gilmore's musicianship. Swings and roundabouts. 

Waters is just like Lennon (the millionaire who imagined no possessions), he's a dinosaur whose politics are a part of his creative talent but are at heart totally bonkers. 

I wasn't being entirely serious with regard to the Pink Floyd talent question. It's just there are a lot of idiots who worship Waters and think he is the be all and end all of Pink Floyd, like it ceased to exist when he left. But they produced some of their finest material after he left. I have a lot of respect for Roger Waters as an artist but he is pretty much full of shit on the whole obsession with Israel. He's been on Al Jazeera in the past on it too. Every question he got asked was about how "the wall" related to the plight of Palestinians. Oh give me a break, ffs. Even he got a bit fed up and said at one point, there's only so far you can take this metaphor.

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2 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

freedom of choice. if i want to boycott something for any particular reason i should be able to. it's a different kettle of fish to countries imposing sanctions


But it does make you a bit of a prick if you boycott an entire country because of the actions of a minority, e.g. a government. Especially if you apply it exclusively to one country and not to all the others who are worse. It's a form of collective guilt, something Jews are all too familiar with. I have never boycotted any country with whose government I had disagreement.

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A false equivalency, but even in the case of South Africa, do you think it appropriate to boycott a whole country of millions for the actions of a minority government? I don't. If groups ever started boycotting the Isle of Man -- e.g. our kipper, or as a holiday destination -- because of our government's role in accommodating E-Gaming, which I personally feel is an immoral sector of the economy, I think that'd be pretty unfair too. Collective guilt and therefore immoral.

Actually, thanks for bringing up Apartheid South Africa. I feel like watching Lethal Weapon II..........such a classic.

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