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Anti-semitic loser Roger Waters (previously of Pink Floyd) makes fool of himself


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15 hours ago, Aristotle said:

What on earth do the blatant anti-semitic, judeophobic imagery and art at one of his recent live performances of "Animals" (specifically, pigs on a wing) have to do with the Israel Government and these imaginary crimes you just make up on the spot? I suggest you look it up and tell me with a straight face it isn't blatant racism against Jews. I'm also curious why he doesn't bleat on about the human rights violations and murder by Hamas and Fatah terrorist groups, or Saudi Arabia, or Islamic countries at all? He just entirely concerns himself with Israel, as if no other country in the middle east or the world is guilty of anything. There are only two things unique about the state of Israel: 1) it's Jewish and 2) it's the only democracy in the middle east. You tell me, Einstein, which of those two unique aspects about Israel is it that so engrosses the interest of Waters and other left-wing fruitloops, especially in light of their obvious affection for radical Islamist groups?

1)  Except for those pesky Arabs who live there...

2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_in_the_Middle_East - So not, not the only democracy (and the number is growing with each "liberation" that is forced on them

And as for the "blatant anti-semitic, judeophobic imagery and art" - offense is in the eyes of the offended.


You tell me, Einstein, which of those two unique aspects about Israel is it that so engrosses the interest of Waters and other left-wing fruitloops, especially in light of their obvious affection for radical Islamist groups?

Maybe its something to do with the extremely well documented and internationally recognised war crimes and genocide that the State of Israel is committing.  Also, yet another "fruit loop" who equates having issues with Israel with loving radical Islamists.  I like apples, therefore I hate oranges....

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1. I personally avoid buying Israeli produce because I cannot tell whether it was produced in the legitimate UN sanctioned state of Israel or in illegal settlements on Arab land occupied militarily.

2. It's asinine to argue that commercial boycotts are wrong because they penalise  everyone in a state for the actions of their government.  Llap reminds us that `Israel is a democracy, with government accountable to its people.  Boycotts are the exercise of personal choice by the end consumer.  Sanctions are a more serious matter, and like war, require avUN resolution to be legitimate, in my opinion.

3. Syd Barrett was the creative force behind Pink Floyd and everything after Saucerful of Secrets was just pop.

4. The constant conflation of criticism of Israel and anti-semitism acts against free speech and is a deliberate propaganda weapon orchestrated by Israel.

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1 hour ago, guzzi said:

1. I personally avoid buying Israeli produce because I cannot tell whether it was produced in the legitimate UN sanctioned state of Israel or in illegal settlements on Arab land occupied militarily.

2. It's asinine to argue that commercial boycotts are wrong because they penalise  everyone in a state for the actions of their government.  Llap reminds us that `Israel is a democracy, with government accountable to its people.  Boycotts are the exercise of personal choice by the end consumer.  Sanctions are a more serious matter, and like war, require avUN resolution to be legitimate, in my opinion.

3. Syd Barrett was the creative force behind Pink Floyd and everything after Saucerful of Secrets was just pop.

4. The constant conflation of criticism of Israel and anti-semitism acts against free speech and is a deliberate propaganda weapon orchestrated by Israel.

1. So you believe in collective racial and national guilt. Racism 101.

2. Incoherent rubbish. See 1.

3. Nonsense. Syd Barrett's contribution has been vastly overstated. Everything before Saucerful of Secrets (and including most of it) was horrible noise about as talented as scraping your fingernail on a chalkboard. The main creative forces behind Pink Floyd - the ones who really defined it and made it original and unique - were Richard Wright, David GIlmour and Roger Waters. Richard Wright is the one whose contribution is generally not appreciated enough.

4. No, there really is a constant conflation of anti-semitism and anti-Israel rhetoric, because they are fundamentally linked. The obsession with Israel is based on the irrational and institutionalised anti-semitism of the left.

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 WMM, Aristotle & Llap seem to speak with one voice in support of what seems like quite an unusual proposition, I.e. that consumer boycotts are intrinsically unfair because they target a whole population for the actions of a whole nation. As it has A surprising amount of support, I suppose it's worth another shot.

it is down to the individual to examine their motives for boycotting something, and I am fully satisfied that mine are not racist or anti-Semitic.

I don't like to buy products produced on Illegally occupied land. I would have no issue buying products produced in Israel within it's pre '67 borders. I consider that the 'collateral damage' caused by my decision to buy Spanish oranges instead of Israeli ones is acceptable.  There's conceivably an innocent orange grower near Haifa a whole .00000001 of a shekel down. Boycotts do affect the general population if they actually bite, but if that did happen, I would consider that effect unfortunate but justifiable in pursuit of an Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Arab lands. They are peaceful, non-violent international protests.

Of course, I would much rather see concerted international sanctions against Israel in support of UN Security Council resolutions. 



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