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Anti-semitic loser Roger Waters (previously of Pink Floyd) makes fool of himself


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3 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Maybe he is. It's probably logistically easy to boycott Israel though, China makes just about everything.

So it all comes down to collective guilt, racism and logistics. The obsessed anti-Israel fanatics are just too lazy or too comfortable with the products they buy from totalitarian regimes like China and Saudi Arabia, so they don't bother to boycott them. You can see why one might be inclined to see a lack of integrity, consistency or reasoned proportion in this position?

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7 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

So it all comes down to collective guilt, racism and logistics. The obsessed anti-Israel fanatics are just too lazy or too comfortable with the products they buy from totalitarian regimes like China and Saudi Arabia, so they don't bother to boycott them. You can see why one might be inclined to see a lack of integrity, consistency or reasoned proportion in this position?

Personally I think you read too much into things, perhaps you want to be offended?

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56 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

If you're boycotting Israel, please tell us why you're not boycotting China?


Because I do what I reasonably can. China is so inextricably linked to the whole World's trade that a consumer boycott is practically impossible.  Israel, on the other hand, is eminently boycottable and blatantly in breach of international law.

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You show no comprehension of the proportion of animosity and perception vs real world implication and effect. Israel is a small, tiny nation. Even if (and I don't for one minute) I believed every single lie and falsehood against Israel, it would be very, very, very low on a list of nations I would boycott and focus my energies on. There is definitely an obsession with Israel out of sync with reality.

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9 minutes ago, guzzi said:


Because I do what I reasonably can. China is so inextricably linked to the whole World's trade that a consumer boycott is practically impossible.  Israel, on the other hand, is eminently boycottable and blatantly in breach of international law.

So, again, it comes down to: you boycott Israel because it is convenient for you to do, not because to do so is proportionately right. You don't boycott China because it would allegedly be too hard for you to do.*

As to international law, assuming what you say is correct (which it isn't), you are still failing to explain the question of proportion and focus. China and Saudi Arabia breach far more of international law than Israel. Israel is just disproportionately obsessed over at the UN due to a large Islamic voting bloc. It's political: it's got nothing to do with the real world.

*I think you are displaying an ignorance of just how much Israel has contributed to modern technology and medicine.

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I would gladly boycott Saudi fuels if someone tells me how.  

The point about agricultural produce is that it has quite possibly been grown on stolen land by illegal Israeli settlers. There is no way to tell. The UN is quite clear that the military occupation of Arab land post 1967 is illegal, and I will take their ruling over your opinion on that.

edit (afterthought) `If I was able to identify Chinese produce from illegally occupied Tibet, then I would certainly boycott that too.



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15 minutes ago, guzzi said:

I would gladly boycott Saudi fuels if someone tells me how.  

The point about agricultural produce is that it has quite possibly been grown on stolen land by illegal Israeli settlers. There is no way to tell. The UN is quite clear that the military occupation of Arab land post 1967 is illegal, and I will take their ruling over your opinion on that.

edit (afterthought) `If I was able to identify Chinese produce from illegally occupied Tibet, then I would certainly boycott that too.



You have completely ignored all my points about proportion, perception, and the politicisation of the UN as an international body. You can't boycott Saudi fuels, just as you can't boycott Israeli technology. Your boycott is irrational and delusional.

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40 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

You have completely ignored all my points about proportion, perception, and the politicisation of the UN as an international body. You can't boycott Saudi fuels, just as you can't boycott Israeli technology. Your boycott is irrational and delusional.

Ineffective my personal boycott may be, and therefore irrational on that measure, but not according to my judgement of Israel's conduct.  You allege a powerful Muslim voting bloc at the UN, but that simply doesn't stand scrutiny. Of the 10 temporary UNSC members,  only Egypt, Senegal and Kazakhstan appear even to have majority Muslim populations.  None of the 5 permanent members have anything close to majority Muslim populations.  The last UNSC resolution (2334) on Israel headed 'Israel’s Settlements Have No Legal Validity, Constitute Flagrant Violation of International Law, Security Council Reaffirm' was passed on the abstention of the USA in 2016.

So, by all means, rile at what you see as disproportionate perceptions at the UN.  Rile at an old fat bloke sorting through the oranges at M&S, that'll probably be me engaging in gesture politics.

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Let's not confuse the actual powers in the UN with the general body or its various commissions, such as the Human Rights commission which if memory services me correctly has recently or still is headed by Saudi Arabia. The actual powers in the UN do nothing against Israel. It's the general body, with its big Islamic and Arab voting bloc who push out all these silly resolutions (with no weight or power to them) that obsess over Israel and never take on Saudi Arabia or the other human rights abusers in the world. 

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