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RIchard Britten

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Aristotle, I suspect the others are looking for an argument but I'm just interested in your assertion. Given it happened in America there are loads of sites relating to this James Alex Fields guy but I can't find anything relating to Obama. It is certainly a potentially interesting circumstance and I would like to understand it better. Please give me the link(s).

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19 hours ago, Aristotle said:

I notice this thread's gone quiet since it emerged the bloke in the car who ran people over had formerly worked for Obama.

Q: Did the man who drove his car into a crowd of counterprotesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, meet with former President Obama in the White House?

A: No. A satirical website confuses the driver with the organizer of the rally, who is rumored to have been a past Obama supporter.



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4 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Thanks for the clarification. Easy to see how Chinese whispers, fake news, alternative facts, etc can spread quickly in this internet age.

It doesn't help that the "leader of the free world" is one of the most prolific sources of said Chinese Whispers...

Kenyan Birther theories anyone?

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Wherever Obama was born (and let's remember it was Hillary Clinton who first raised this question), the man was clearly an Islamist sympathiser who helped with the rise of ISIS either through incompetence or through deliberate intent.

I was reading an interesting article earlier about how the Democrats are the real party of racism and that the whole idea that the parties just "switched" places on the subject of race is total nonsense. I am not using this article to back up the claim. I know it's true because I've studied American history.


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1 minute ago, Aristotle said:

Wherever Obama was born

Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961, at Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital (now called Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children) in Honolulu, Hawaii,[17][18][19][20] to Ann Dunham,[21] from Wichita, Kansas,[22] and Barack Obama Sr., a Luo from Nyang’oma Kogelo, Nyanza Province (in what was then the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya), who was attending the University of Hawaii.


...and let's remember it was Hillary Clinton who first raised this question


Conspiracy theories about Obama's religion appeared at least as early as his 2004 U.S. Senate campaign in a press release by Illinois political candidate Andy Martin,[29] and, according to a Los Angeles Times editorial, as Internet rumors.[30] These rumors about his religion expanded into his values, cultural, and national loyalty, and, by 2008, into conspiracy theories about his citizenship


...the man was clearly an Islamic sympathiser who helped with the rise of ISIS either through incompetence or through deliberate intent.


You are thinking of George Bush Jr, who started the conflicts that created the power vacuum for IS to occupy. 


I am not using this article to back up the claim. I know it's true because I've studied American history.

Referencing yourself again?

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Hillary was first, before Trump, in questioning Obama's birth. In terms of presidential politics. I don't waste my time tracking down if the claim was made earlier.

George W Bush started a war which could have succeeded had he not been replaced by Obama who went and announced a date of US troop withdrawal and basically handed the place on a silver platter to ISIS. You can't blame Bush for creating the vacuum, as he didn't take the US out of there. Obama did that. Also, Obama (although it was Hillary who pushed it, in the case of Libya) was behind the Arab Spring which saw the overthrow of Gaddafi and other moderate leaders (e.g. Mubarak) who were then replaced by ISIS or other psychos. Obama is responsible for what happened in Syria, siding with ISIS against Assad who is another moderate leader. So why was Obama so opposed to moderate Muslim leaders?

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