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RIchard Britten

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4 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

Hillary was first, before Trump, in questioning Obama's birth. In terms of presidential politics. I don't waste my time tracking down if the claim was made earlier.

So despite being shown evidence that you are wrong you still persist in the lie.


George W Bush started a war..

Two actually...


...which could have succeeded had he not been replaced by Obama who went and announced a date of US troop withdrawal and basically handed the place on a silver platter to ISIS

You mean the agreed dates that Bush agreed and this was not some state secret that would have prevented IS from forming.

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I haven't persisted any lie about Obama's birth. I haven't stated an opinion on it. I can only comment on his actions as president.

Well, Al Qaeda started the first one.

Bush agreed to provisional stages for the Iraqi Government to take control of Iraq. He didn't agree to an unequivocal withdrawal of troops to leave the place to go to hell in a handbasket. He'd have kept troops there and ensured conditions were in place before a withdrawal. It's a pity Bush didn't serve four terms.

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

Exactly. Especially nowadays it is very difficult to pigeonhole people as they might have traditionally "right wing" views on some things but traditionally "left wing" views on others. Richard is obsessed with dogma and never will see reason.

Says the guy more concerned with nasty "anti-fa" than Nazis, KKK and white supremacists.

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It's true, though. Things like Brexit, for example. You categorize anyone who voted to leave as right-wing, yet Tony Benn and Dennis Skinner, both Labour veterans and true socialists, were also against joining the EU. Another thing is, immigration. Why is this automatically a right-wing concern? It was the Tories who first brought in loads of immigrants because they could undercut UK workers and push down wages. Labour were opposed to it. Many in Labour are still opposed to mass immigration (a different thing to normative immigration). There are many other examples where traditional ideas of left and right simply don't apply.

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5 hours ago, Aristotle said:

It was the Tories who first brought in loads of immigrants because they could undercut UK workers and push down wages

Being polite, although you don't deserve it, that's historically inaccurate. Nobody "brought in loads of immigants because  they could undercut UK workers". People came to Britain because they had British passports - a legacy of several centuries of British imperialism. There was a shortage of labour in Britain during the 50s and 60s. They were British and had the right to live in Britain - because of empire. And they have made a fantastic contribution. Britain is a better place than it once was.

In the 70s many Asians came to Britain after Idi Amin stole their money and kicked them out of Uganda. Typically they went on to start successful businesses . 

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8 minutes ago, pongo said:

Being polite, although you don't deserve it, that's historically inaccurate. Nobody "brought in loads of immigants because  they could undercut UK workers". People came to Britain because they had British passports - a legacy of several centuries of British imperialism. There was a shortage of labour in Britain during the 50s and 60s. They were British and had the right to live in Britain - because of empire. And they have made a fantastic contribution. Britain is a better place than it once was.

In the 70s many Asians came to Britain after Idi Amin stole their money and kicked them out of Uganda. Typically they went on to start successful businesses . 

Being polite, you're talking complete bollocks.

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