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RIchard Britten

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2 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

The bit where you denied that the influx of cheap workers from the Commonwealth was a Conservative policy which was intended to bring down wages...........

That'll be the 1948 British Nationality Act you're referring to, which was brought in by a Labour Government.

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All a matter of opinion, Pongo. Aristotle makes reasonable points so I don't understand why he doesn't merit politeness. Britain is a better place than it once was in some ways, as is the wider world. In other ways it is far, far worse than it once was, as is the wider world.

It is disingenuous to say that nobody "brought in loads of immigrants etc." People had British passports, but that was a decision of the British government of the day rather than a consequence of empire. Those passports could easily have been withdrawn as a condition of independence. They weren't. There was a shortage of labour in the 50s and 60s so it was no bad thing to bring in a pool of cheap labour.  Governments of both colours presided over this.

I am all for being optimistic, but you have a tendency always to look at the changes through rose tinted spectacles from a privileged position whilst being totally insulated from the adverse consequences. That is understandable but your stance is vulnerable to criticism in much the same way as was Prince Philip's when he suggested that the world doesn't owe us a living and it's time "we pulled our fingers out". As was the case with HRH, there are those who would say you don't know what you are talking about.

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13 minutes ago, woolley said:

Those passports could easily have been withdrawn as a condition of independence.

British law and international treaties, quite properly, limit the power of governments to withdraw citizenship. When Ireland gained full independence, for example, Irish people born British did not lose the right to choose to be British.

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As you say, British law. What Parliament grants, Parliament can take away. In any case, international law is flexible when the spirit moves as was amply borne out by Tony Blair and his illegal military adventures. It would have been entirely reasonable to withdraw passports from the nationals of countries who were vehemently opposed to British rule. After all, why would they want to live under the British yoke having successfully struggled to escape it?

Ireland is a unique case having been a part of the United Kingdom proper and having a common travel area and widespread intermingling of populations and linked community from time immemorial. As such it had, and continues to have, a different status to other overseas territories, colonies and dominions.

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

SO what is your opinion on Charlottesville, Neo-Nazis, the KKK, etc?

Seeing as you are so desperate to talk about opinions?

I'm anti-extremism full stop. But it doesn't matter, you'll pick holes and lambast any opinion that doesn't exactly coincide with yours or isn't portrayed to your liking.

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