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RIchard Britten

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

Usual responses from usual posters.

I am amazed that people are actually trying to defend Nazis and the KKK...

And POW!

The standard response of the social justice warrior mind.

When all else fails...suggest the opposition are Nazi sympathisers.

Criticising antifa, BLM, etc, is NOT defending Nazis. 

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2 minutes ago, Chinahand said:


 It's likely to get worse before it gets better.  At the moment identity politics is the dominant political narrative and intolerance of those you disagree with is growing.  I wonder what political figure will be able to change this? I can't see one, can you?


There won't be one. At least not to achieve anything that endures long in the passage of time. It's human nature and humans fight each other for ascendancy. Differences between them are among the flashpoints. The folly is to try to cure it rather than recognise it and work with and around it.

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Just now, Mr Shoe said:

And POW!

The standard response of the social justice warrior mind.

When all else fails...suggest the opposition are Nazi sympathisers.

Criticising antifa, BLM, etc, is NOT defending Nazis. 

But trying to move the focus away from the Nazis is. 

Like I said, ignoring a burning building is just as bad as pouring petrol on it.

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It's messed up but Trump has it right, there's massive blame on both sides. Just look at the footage on youtube, there's massive violence on both sides. Antifa fools surrounding the confederate rally with clubs, right wing nutters dressed with riot shields emblazoned with symbols. 

Antifa and BLM wanted to provoke the fight, that's for sure. You really don't want to be associated with them either Richard. 

And even though they're denying it now, from the lack of police it really looks like they were told not to intervene. It's probably just incompetence, but there's that part of me that just thinks ... was it malice? 

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Just now, RIchard Britten said:

But trying to move the focus away from the Nazis is. 

Like I said, ignoring a burning building is just as bad as pouring petrol on it.

Loudly blaming one side (the Nazis) and choosing to overlook the other side's contribution (antifa etc) because it suits your narrative is....pouring petrol on it.

But with the added benefit of virtue signalling. You're just adding to the polarisation.

Large proportions of BOTH sides are evil fuckers who went there looking for a fight. 

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2 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Richard who is defending Nazis?  Saying other people were violent too does not equal support for the KKK. 

You really do have quite a chip on that shoulder, you know. 

"All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing."

Do you image a Nazi rally would have been met with "restraint" in the 1940s in Charlottesville?

All I am hearing from the right wingers is "ignore the fact there were Nazis, look at the people who were upset that there are Nazis".

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Come on now...reality check time.

Charlottesville is a beautiful friendly and relatively safe university town.

The Nazi/KKK/White supremacist idiots who drove across the country to be there hijacked the relocation of a statue to turn up, show off their guns, scream obscene racist abuse in an aggressive manner and meet with fellow like minded pond life so they can gee each other on.

I suspect many people from Charlottesville, students of UVA together no doubt with some others who travelled there were rightly outraged with this display. If they turned up and told these morons to f*ck off and that they weren't welcome then that is completely understandable. How surprising that confronting armed idiots with swastika tattoos turned into some brawls etc. However by far the most serious incident was perpetrated by a one of the brainwashed followers of the far rights warped idealogy.

Im still astounded that the USA has Trump as its president...and I feel for the people I know who live there (and despise him). He continues to stoke up hatred and division amongst people, sometimes with what he says...and sometimes with what he declines to say.

I hope if there are any further demonstration planned by these Nazi loving scumbags...the police respond with the same kind of aggression and violence that they display....the American cops are usually not shy in dishing out a bit of swift retribution in certain circumstances...

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