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RIchard Britten

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20 minutes ago, sausage said:


I suspect many people from Charlottesville, students of UVA together no doubt with some others who travelled there were rightly outraged with this display.

You did see the words  UVa students and others who travelled' Woolley.... Who said they were all locals ???!!!!

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22 minutes ago, sausage said:

I hope if there are any further demonstration planned by these Nazi loving scumbags...the police respond with the same kind of aggression and violence that they display....the American cops are usually not shy in dishing out a bit of swift retribution in certain circumstances...

Do far-lefties realise how similar they are to their "enemies"?


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Funny how everyone hates politicians with their banal, repetitive, non-committal answers to every subject but when a non-politician gets into the highest office in the land and doesn't read from the same bland script they decide they love politicians again and hate anyone who holds an opinion.

For the record I think Trump is clearly a bit of a loose cannon who should really think before he speaks/tweets but I admire the fact he is railing against the political and media nexus and finding ways to circumvent their grip on information. He won't last long, as evidenced by the long list of special interests lining up against him, but he's refreshing if nothing else. 

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Not really Mr Shoe... I WONT drive across a country to scream racist hateful abuse in public....I WONT arm myself and threaten violence to people based on their race and religion....and IF I did....I wouldn't/shouldn't be surprised if the law enforcement of the country in question responded in the same way.... So no don't see any similarities really...if it's me you refer to ? But please bear in mind...disliking Nazi sympathisers/white supremacists/KKK doesn't make you 'far leftie'.... In my opinion...it kinda makes you a rational thinking human.

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I think he's more inclined to speak his mind because he's a very stupid, entitled man. Speaking your mind is admiriable until it's clear that what's on your mind is me, me, me and serves no-one but yourself.

Also speaking your mind on NK when you're the US president is not such a good idea.  It's starting to look like he's got away with it but what a massive gamble.

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1 minute ago, PottyLisa said:

C'mon sweetie.  You can do better than that little snipe.  Try harder! Be a bit more creative.  You sound like you're at nursery. FS 1/10

It was supposed to sound juvenile. I think you've missed the point.

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