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RIchard Britten

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1 hour ago, Mr Shoe said:

Do far-lefties realise how similar they are to their "enemies"?

This for starters.  Who's a far-leftie?  Certainly not me, I just don't care too much for Nazis and racism.  Some of the crap posted on here is pretty far right and just cruel.  Even if you're doing it for a rise.  Where's woody2? Tarne's forever posting edgy shit and it seems to get liked by some people. You'll forgive me if I see excuses made for far right groups and equate it to sympathy.  There are certain things becoming more and more normalised and it just flies in the face of any sort of human decency.

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1 hour ago, PottyLisa said:

This for starters.  Who's a far-leftie?  Certainly not me, I just don't care too much for Nazis and racism.  Some of the crap posted on here is pretty far right and just cruel.  Even if you're doing it for a rise.  Where's woody2? Tarne's forever posting edgy shit and it seems to get liked by some people. You'll forgive me if I see excuses made for far right groups and equate it to sympathy.  There are certain things becoming more and more normalised and it just flies in the face of any sort of human decency.

Quotes please.

Before you accuse people of being "plastic" nazis, neo-nazi sympathisers or racists you need to quote their words that support your accusation. Not one single person (even for trolling purposes) has said a word in support of the far-right.

I quoted Sausage who hopes the police will employ violence against the nazi loving scumbags. That would be illegal.


ETA: I'm aware that Sausage was just being dramatic.

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Full of shite again Mr Shoe...I think you will find the police are fully entitled to use reasonable force/violence in circumstances where it becomes necessary....a gang of racist arseholes carrying guns and causing brawls would be one of those situations...

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It's good to see efforts made toward balance in this thread. Mr. Shoe talking a lot of sense. I'll bet that most people watching those images around the world had great difficulty discerning just who was who in those scenes of melee and chaos. 

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11 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Where to begin with this one...

1 dead and 19 injured by neo-Nazi driving his car into a crowded street.

Trump's fumbled opportunity to distance himself from Nazis and the KKK.

For a country that fought so hard to defeat the Nazis, it is disturbing to see how alive and strong the Nazi movement is in America.

Where to begin with your usual errors.

1. The organisers are not neo-Nazis or KKK but "white nationalists". There's a difference: they're a reactionary movement, not an inherently racist movement in the popularly used sense.

2. The event wasn't about promoting racism but protesting against the taking down of US Civil War monuments (e.g. statues) of the Confederate side. Should these monuments really be taken down and history rewritten? The answer is no, and the people who are pushing to do this are deliberately provoking people.

3. Trump has repeatedly disavowed and rejected the KKK and all racists for over a decade. Literally, he has been repeatedly asked to disavow, and he has done so, yet the media just kept on pretending he hadn't, so kept asking him to disavow. This is a typical propaganda trick by the media to make it look like somebody hasn't answered a question or, as in this case, disavowed something. It's fake news.

4. The Police didn't stop ANTIFA (leftist lunatics) from attacking people which is the cause of much of the violence at the event. The demonstration itself was intended to be peaceful and the person responsible for driving into a crowd was not an organiser of the event and we have yet to find out full details. So let's not jump to assumptions.

5. While it's true that the United States fought in World War II to defeat the Nazis, the people in power were really more interested in preventing the invasion of Europe by the Soviet Union and the spread of Communism. During and after the War, the United States worked with leading Nazis to bring them to the United States or to help them flee to South America. The CIA was pretty much founded by German Nazis who were brought in to the country. So it's debatable whether its government was ever really opposed to Nazism. It has certainly supported it in various guises around the world in the name of spreading "democracy" and fighting the "commies".

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7 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Divide and conquer is the name of the game

I agree. I bet you £5 the radical far left and radical far right, the racist white groups, the racist black groups, are all led by shadow government operatives, playing everybody off against each other.  The last thing the people in power want is for normal people of all backgrounds and beliefs to realise that actually all pretty much the same in their hopes and dreams and they're all being screwed over by the same people. Then people might start uniting against their common enemy. Can't have that.

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Those 'Civil War' statues are not ancient monuments. For the most part they were erected during the early-mid 20th century when the modern Klan emerged. During the era of the lynchings. They represent a stupid reactionary backlash. And it's no different from removing statues of Stalin or Saddam.

Who seriously cares whether they are Nazis or "white nationalists"? They march around with torches and made-up silly Swastika-like symbols.

Stop advocating for the devil. And stop with the conspiracy bollocks. There is no "shadow government". Except in the minds of crazy people.

Ultimately people are right to give Nazis a kicking. I wish I was so brave.

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1 minute ago, pongo said:


Those 'Civil War' statues are not ancient monuments. For the most part they were erected during the early-mid 20th century when the modern Klan emerged. During the era of the lynchings. They represent a stupid reactionary backlash. And it's no different from removing statues of Stalin or Saddam.

Who seriously cares whether they are Nazis or "white nationalists"? The march around with torches and made-up silly Swastika-like symbols.

Stop advocating for the devil. And stop with the conspiracy bollocks. There is no "shadow government". Except in the minds of crazy people.

Ultimately people are right to give Nazis a kicking. I wish I was so brave.

These are people concerned about the taking down of Civil War monuments. If they were erected in the early-mid 20th century, that is irrelevant. Why take them down now? We're talking about soldiers or generals who fought for the South, on the Confederate side. The idea that the South was fighting to preserve slavery has long been debunked as a Unionist propaganda talking point of the time. It was already known at the time of the US Civil War that slave labour was no longer economically viable due to the Industrial Revolution in Britain. Slavery was inevitably going to end with or without a war, but ultimately it had nothing to do with the real reasons for the US Civil War. It's a shame so many people have bought into fake history.

I am not defending the people involved in this protest, which you purposely call a "rally" because you know it has Third Reich connotations. The organisers are "white nationalists" which is not the same as being neo-Nazi or KKK. If the latter two showed up, that's not the fault of the organisers. The real fault here lies with the PC Bridage for taking down Civil War monuments. The protest would never have happened were it not for this. The US is going completely mental with all this racist nonsense. To take down monuments is clearly a provocation. And it's not just Civil War monuments. They're also going after monuments of the Founding Fathers, including Thomas Jefferson, because they owned slaves. It's political correctness gone mad.

And yes there is a shadow government. Nobody with a brain disputes this.

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You don't know who you are do you Sybil? You don't fit in. That's why you always take the daft contrarian POV whatever the circumstance. I can empathise with that in some ways. You probably need a hug.

4 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

I am not defending the people involved in this protest, which you purposely call a "rally"

I have not used the word "rally". You are confused.


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