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Barcelona Terror Attack


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1 hour ago, asitis said:

.............   and all we do in the UK is to sack politicians who dare to speak out about a problem !

More candles more hashtags and sweet FA to keep our families safe !!

If we can't even talk about it, how the hell can we even begin to formulate a plan to deal with it !

We do far more than that!

We support the victims, we raise money for them. 

Our police and security services investigate possible terrorists and have prevented far more than are successful. 

The public reports suspicions to the authorities. 

We have extra security procedures in place at events etc. 

We have in place more draconian laws than we would want if there was no threat. 

We get on with our lives  

Its reported and discussed endlessly. The government has a plan, the security services have a plan - these are debated, in Parliament, in the media, and by the public via social media. 

What are you being prevented from saying that will fix this problem? 

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10 hours ago, Tarne said:

13 now dead, and shock horror, it was muslims. Still never met a good one. 

Come on, stop being a dick.   Do you really need to post like this?

What is happening today reminds me a lot of the 70s and 80s and the IRA.   Most Irish people were ordinary decent folk.  As are most muslims.   Just because a small minority of people are waging a war on us doesn't make the entire population of those people to be bad.

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As the security services get better at data mining so the religious nutjobs get better at avoiding detection.

One of the main reasons why Bin Laden escaped detection for so long was simply because the ONLY comms he used was a single trusted courier.

How do you detect folks like that?

You don't. You have to get lucky doing things like following up on intel from Joe Public.....

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Everyone else - "This is a delicate situation and requires tact and finesse"

Trump - "Hold my pint..."



"US President Donald Trump has invoked a debunked myth about a general who fought Islamist militants by using pig's blood to commit mass executions."


What happened to "I was waiting for all the facts"?

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12 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Its a toughie flag wise see. Do you use the basque or the spanish flag? Quite a conundrum for the meme makers.

Catalan, but take your point. Which I suspect may be at the heart of the issue.

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4 hours ago, P.K. said:

According to Jonothan Evans, an ex-director of MI5,  these attacks are a 'generational struggle' that will go on for another 25 to 30 years.

The death throes of ISIS.....

We already did this one in another thread, PK. He also admitted he thought it would have largely run its course four years ago. The man is deranged. He has absolutely nothing to base this assertion on. The problem grows by the day.

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 Just because a small minority of people are waging a war on us doesn't make the entire population of those people to be bad.

Absolutely. Only an idiot would dismiss a culture based on a few nutters. In contrast, I've never met a bad person from that culture and when I lived in the north-west I knew plenty. The vast majority never went near a mosque. 

That said, there are also a few more that would never get involved with terrorism but are not too sorry to see it happen and support the ideology in different ways. If you don't realise that you are a bit deluded.

Like most issues, its not a binary situation. 


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18 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You mean other than being the ex-director of MI5.  You know, as opposed to say, an arm chair expert on a forum about a tiny island?

By his own words he has form at being wrong. Why should we be confident that he's right now? He suffers from the commonly peddled delusion that all is well.

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

We already did this one in another thread, PK. He also admitted he thought it would have largely run its course four years ago. The man is deranged. He has absolutely nothing to base this assertion on. The problem grows by the day.

With reference to the above how is it he doesn't post on MF?

Looks like a shoe-in to me....

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s this statement a paradox or an oxymoron?


Reading stuff or here and elsewhere in the media you would think those described are idealist murdering nutters or saints. On/off, yes/no etc. In reality there is mostly everything in between. Innit.

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