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Lingerie tycoon looks set to make IOM her new home


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3 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

Remember this; like them or not, her and Doug came from nothing.

I don't know either of them.... but what has that statement got to do with the price of cabbages?

For context, I have an Indian friend who had nothing (literally) but has a job that pays sufficient to keep & feed an extended family of 10 but still lives in a slum.


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1 hour ago, Derek Flint said:
1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

Or maybe they get a kicking for their links to tax avoidance?

Not illegal last time I looked. Unlike evasion. 

I'm sorry Derek, but this is wishful thinking.  The divide between avoidance and evasion is not some nice clean line that people can point to and proclaim that what they are doing is therefore legal.  It's a very grey area and depends on ever changing case law and how courts and tribunals treat such thing as intention.  Despite what the British media tell you, you can't announce that something is avoidance not evasion and be magically in the clear. Any more than some druggie assuring you that what they had was perfectly legal would be enough for you to believe them.

Accountants and tax advisers can't do it either - just because they devise some ingenious tax dodging scheme which they claim will be valid and save their clients from paying tax, it doesn't mean it will eventually and always be treated that way.  As happened in the case of Mr Barrowman, though as ever it's the clients who end up paying for the mistakes of those they have already paid to protect them.

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3 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

Not illegal last time I looked. Unlike evasion. 

that's alright then. :whistling: while us/we mere mortals pay our fair share, these parasites continue to laugh at us. 

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1 hour ago, Derek Flint said:

As Douglas Bader said, “Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.” 

He may have repeated it Derek but he didn’t coin it. That was Harry Day - fighter ace in the RFC during the Great War - as Bader himself confirmed in ‘Reach for the Sky’.

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1 hour ago, Uhtred said:

He may have repeated it Derek but he didn’t coin it. That was Harry Day - fighter ace in the RFC during the Great War - as Bader himself confirmed in ‘Reach for the Sky’.

That's where you're wrong. "Wings" Day was in the Royal Marines in WWI. Won an Albert Medal (later converted into the George Cross). He transferred to the Fleet Air Arm and thence into the  RAF. A wonderful aerobatic pilot, but he was never an ace. He was shot down as a bomber pilot very early in WWII and spent almost all of it as a POW. I've read his biography several times. :-)

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