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Lingerie tycoon looks set to make IOM her new home


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54 minutes ago, 2112 said:

You raise valid and salient points, which I’m sure the Covid inquiry may investigate. Would it have been any different if it were Labour in Government with the responsibility of dealing with a pandemic? I think not, similar allegations would have been made. Neither party is whiter than white. 

Remember it would have been Corbyn and his Maoist mates not Starmer in power so who knows what state the country would have been in.

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

The Guardian article has been posted on IOMNP Facebook page, lots of comments from the usual suspects. Clare Christian muses - I wonder who supplied IOMG PPE? Well instead of making pointless questions, perhaps she could have investigated, used her brains and influence, maybe those nice people at the DHSC and ManxCare will give her the information she seeks. She’s an MHK!  Maybe Clare Christian has the hump that she expects Michelle Mone to shop local and come into her shop and spend, spend and spend? 

Didn’t Clare’s husband diversify into PPE provisions? Maybe sour grapes?

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1 minute ago, NoTailT said:

Her husband got fast tracked to IOM Gov LFD supplies...

One rule for one …………..

I expect much ranting, raving and foaming from the usual suspects on IOMNP Facebook page. 

Was he friend of Ashy? 

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I’ve not been following this until now. But is this a summary -

* the government had a fast track process for their mates who wanted to supply them with ppe.

* many set up new companies to do that  

* the successful companies placed orders with Chinese manufacturers and arranged the logistics of getting them here. 

* they made millions. 

What I don’t know is why the government didn’t go directly to the Chinese factories. 

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2 hours ago, Manx Bean said:

The rich get richer...

Well someone has to have the Capital to purchase X million masks and pay for them up front.  It's always going to be someone 'rich'.  Of course I could phone up the Chinese PPE Co and ask them if they could give me them on credit... 

1 hour ago, cissolt said:

Interesting that two of the directors of the UK company are Manx. Wonder if the iomfsa will be investigating?

Probably not.  Why would they?  It's the IOM FSA, not the UK.  There are plenty of UK Companies with IOM directors.  Peel Group is the biggest, best known that springs to mind.  

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On 12/5/2021 at 6:42 PM, Roger Mexico said:

Meanwhile Mone's social media shenanigans continue to provide amusement.  I particularly like her belief that describing someone as "a waste of a mans [sic] white skin" isn't racist because she didn't realise the target wasn't white.  While it's just as racist, whoever it's said to.  

Is this really so?

In these hugely racially sensitive times referring to the colour of someone's skin is a huge no no, but genuinely is this racist rather than descriptive?

Of course there is the additional complication that the gentleman she said this to was of South Asian heritage, but I can't see how this makes the statement racist, if you wanted to racially abuse someone you wouldn't use the phase in this way. For me it looks like she thought the person was white not that she was racially abusing them. 

You are a waste of a white skin. 

You are a waste of a black skin. 

You are a waste of a brown skin. 

You are a waste of breath. 

You are a waste if space. 

I'm having difficulty seeing racist intent here apart from adding an unnecessary emphasis on race, but is that racist, to simply draw attention to someone's race?

I fully get in these times how some people will argue that it is symptomatic of structural racism etc. And given this I don't think the phrase should be used, but I see it basically as descriptive not abusive. 

I'm probably going to get in trouble for saying this but I do think our society is beginning to needlessly get in a muddle over racism. 

This lady may be a bit of a gob, but racist? That is a pretty serious accusation. I think all she was doing was using an outdated phrase which means you are a waste of space. 

Anyway presses Submit Reply slightly dreading I'll be accused of having all sorts of structurally racist and culturally insensitive views for saying this. 

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47 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:


@The Phantom

Which in the case of PPE Medpro was not Michelle or Doug.

Read the articles on it? I have.

They company had an arrangement to share profits with an actual supplier. PPE Medpro pitched itself as being able to secure the contracts because of being able to influence UK Gov and had a contract with a supplier that would benefit from that. They did nothing other than manage the contracts/supply and secure them. No cash fronting for supplies required on behalf of those that got rich from it.

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