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Lingerie tycoon looks set to make IOM her new home


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The usual suspects on the IOMNP Facebook page are having a field day over the VIP lane judgment. In all fairness I don’t know what right they have with then faux moral outrage. Anyone would think she had taken food out of Bernie Moffatt mouth. It doesn’t affect the island one single bit apart from some possible reputational damage, and in all honesty, the island has a lot of not reputable people investing in the island, and some living here. I doubt there will be whinging from Alf or Ashy. 

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Assuming the company actually provided the PPE; I think the UK Govt have got bigger concerns. 

From the Times today: 


The Treasury expects to recover only £1 of every £4 stolen from the public purse by fraudsters during the pandemic, it has admitted for the first time.

The department has written off £4.3 billion of £5.8 billion that was stolen from its emergency Covid-19 schemes that propped up swathes of the workforce during successive lockdowns, including the furlough scheme, the self-employed income support programme and Eat Out to Help Out.

This means that a maximum of only 26 per cent of money unlawfully taken from the Treasury will be recovered.

The figures, which were contained in documents quietly published on the HMRC website last week, represent the first time Rishi Sunak’s department has put a number on how much it expects its new £100 million 1,265-strong anti-fraud taskforce to get back from Covid-19 scammers. In November Jim Harra, the HMRC chief executive, said the department would struggle to recoup more than half of the money lost.

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I see that the Minister who has been, allegedly, ‘approached’ by some well-known Tory backers has resigned. Apparently, he is indignant that the UK Tory government is not taking ‘seriously’ their duty to protect taxpayers’ money from dubious claimants - clearly, unscrupulous people will always find a way of making handsome profits whilst their fellow citizens are suffering.

It is an outrage that there is no money for the poorest in society, or NHS workers, but it is perfectly fine for the multi-millionaire Tory politicians to trash billions of taxpayers’ money because they simply did not bother to implement basic due diligence procedures for issuing Covid-support loans.

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On 1/6/2022 at 10:44 PM, NoTailT said:

Her husband got fast tracked to IOM Gov LFD supplies...

Nope. The company I work for has never had any government contracts, either U.K. or IOM. I manage covid testing for large movie productions in the USA, Spain and Cz Republic amongst other places. We also don’t sell PPE (although we use a lot of it). I love how you guys make shit up though. Very amusing. 

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It is my understanding that only UK residents and taxpayers can be Members of the House of Lords. I therefore infer that the Baroness is not technically an IOM resident, so why does our media keep fawning over her all the time? As it has been pointed out, the Island does not need any more bad press. If she is an IOM resident for tax purposes i.e. spends more than 6 months per year here, then surely she cannot sit in the House of Lords. 

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