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Lingerie tycoon looks set to make IOM her new home


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If Mone and Barrowman did not have the Manx connection, would we even be bothered with following the story???

If it were some couple from, say, Kent? Would we be interested?

If, If they have done wrong, they should be held to account, as should all the others but to try to make out that this a peculiarly Manx item when it is down to allowing companies to take advantage of the covid crisis is letting the real complicators off???

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5 hours ago, Blade Runner said:

Question 1,

Have you never told a lie?

They said it was to protect their family's which I can't relate to that as I am not a public figure but I can imagine it could be bad.

Question 2

Have you ever set up and run your own business?

Question 3

Have you ever set up and run your own business?


She admitted it only when caught like a rat in a trap 

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7 hours ago, Blade Runner said:


In the UK press She has been pilloried/ and or lauded because of her well know assets, I have done the same, cracking Rack etc, but that does not make her/ them bad people.

Most VERY successful business/ sport people I have ever met are both OCD and ruthless in their dealings.

This personality trait does wind people up but without people like this we would be sitting in caves throwing sh1t at each other.....

Shows how very little you know about them 

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8 hours ago, Kopek said:

that just about sums it up, doesn't it? \\\\\\\\\\\\\who amongst us would not have taken advantage of the situation that presented it self???

I wouldn't fail to declare to my employers that I had a beneficial relationship with a company I was aggressively lobbying my employers to do business with. So I don't see why I'd behave differently in the midst of a pandemic if I was a member of the House of the Lords and the contract was for public funds.

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14 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

That's the core of this whole thing and what is being missed in the concentration on Mone.  The whole system was corrupt.  If you really want to maximise the supply of vital goods during a pandemic why do you give priority to a limited group of politically well-connected people?

I think we all can see that Mone is being thrown under the bus by others in the Conservative Party. The whole Johnson government was corrupt, everyone with eyes can see that, because Johnson has always been corrupt. Look at his time as London Mayor and the many dodgy deals he made at that time. I did; at the time I was living in London and I was one of the taxpayers footing the bill for it. 

Private Eye is the only publication that seems to care about what happened to our money during Covid. Apart from them, David Conn at The Guardian is really the only mainstream journalist reporting on this.

But Mone is such an obnoxious individual that I don’t think anyone is remotely sad at seeing her get thrown under the bus. I’d happily see the bus back up and have another run at her tbh.

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2 hours ago, 2bees said:

I wouldn’t. I’m not coin operated though, hair’s a mess, have my own nails, no spider legs for eyelashes, low maintenance, the Mone woman looks like she costs a lot to maintain…a lot.

Would madam care for half a packet of crisps and an Um Bongo aboard my raft of empty oil cans?  We could lunch in Port-Saint-Marie.



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