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Sonic Attack on US Cuban Embassy


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This mystifies me.  I mean, there's along and dishonorable history of bizarre schemes to undermine the Castro regime, but if this is real, it makes no sense to me that the Cuban state would attempt to harm staff in the US embassy.  Relations had been improving, full diplomatic contact having been established only quite recently.

The most likely motive would be undermine US/Cuba relations. For me, therefore, the most likely culprit would be an emigré Cuban group opposed to the existing Cuban regime.  What sort of technology do you need to do this?  Would it be within the scope of a rebel group?

Or has Cuba a scheme to fit-up some rebel group in an attempt to discredit them in US eyes?

I suspect some Byzantine twists and turns and plotting here.  Any ideas?


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My three alternative "Or"s are:

Or it's the Russians to undermine US/Cuban relations. 

Or it's just someone with a high powered transmitter of some sort (which admittedly would be a rarity in Cuba). 

Or it's just two departments in the same building not talking to each other and causing it themselves without realising it, perhaps a high powered surveillance device. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My money is still on a dissident/anti Castro group of some kind, probably in association with a national government with the resources to do this and an interest in damaging Cuba's improving international relations, with the aim of drawing Cuba into their own realm of influence. 

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