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Explosion On London Underground Train

La Colombe

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At 3pm today, the 'arch-enemy' of the Left and hero of the great un-washed, Tommy Robinson, aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, will attempt to exercise his right to free-speech by conveying a speech written by the Austrian right-winger, Martin Sellner. Sellner, and his partner were refused entry to the UK last week, detained for three days and forcibly returned to Europe for his 'inflammatory' views on Islam and what he and many others see as the creeping islamisation of Western culture. British authorities fear that his presence and speech would amount to incitement and social unrest. The same reasons attached to Geert Wilders' refusal of entry by the then Home Secretary, Theresa May.

Robinson will attempt to do this at that bastion of liberty and freedom of expression known for 300 years as 'Speakers Corner.' Pilloried by the establishment and media for his outspoken views on islam and its influence on British society and culture, he will claim that because of political correctness, fear of offence and accusations of racism, the establishment has continually failed to act on child sex-abuse, the 22,000 potential jihadis roaming unchecked, the heroin trade, election and mortgage fraud on a massive scale. He will also compare and ask, in the light of Sellner's deportation, how and why radical imams and hate-preachers are still freely entering the UK with impunity advocating the glory of jihad, death to Jews and the kaffir alike, in mosques and madrasses throughout Britain and cultivating monsters like this young fellow resulting in the massacres of 7/7, Manchester Arena, Westminster Bridge and other atrocities the country has experienced for many years.

Up to now, there has been no media coverage of this event, it has not been publicised in the mainstream but it may become news-worthy if there is trouble. Which is likely. It will however be live-streamed on various social-media platforms.

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The mainstream media’s constant refusal to report on the perfectly sane and reasonable people sharing their views down at Speakers Corner amounts to censorship - thankfully the internet is around to keep Quilp in the loop. It’s been many years, but last time I went there, there were; two gentlemen with solid info that the End is Nigh; an old man with an interesting theory on how reducing protein in the diet and excessive sitting would lower libido and make the world a kinder place; a man who claimed he could change the weather by playing music; evangelic Christians, communists, anarchists, Muslims and Hare Krishna’s; a chem-trail conspiracy theorist, and a vegan. 

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24 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

The mainstream media’s constant refusal to report on the perfectly sane and reasonable people sharing their views down at Speakers Corner amounts to censorship - thankfully the internet is around to keep Quilp in the loop. It’s been many years, but last time I went there, there were; two gentlemen with solid info that the End is Nigh; an old man with an interesting theory on how reducing protein in the diet and excessive sitting would lower libido and make the world a kinder place; a man who claimed he could change the weather by playing music; evangelic Christians, communists, anarchists, Muslims and Hare Krishna’s; a chem-trail conspiracy theorist, and a vegan. 

So perfectly reasonable warnings about the dangers of the Islamisation of Europe are as valid as the subjects listed above. Interesting.

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Tommy Robinson (or whatever he’s calling himself this week), a tanning salon manager from Luton served 12 months for a drunken assault on an off-duty police-officer, and received an 18 month sentence for mortgage fraud in 2012. When he’s not giving you ‘perfectly reasonable warnings about the dangers of the Islamisation of Europe’ he’s quite often involved in scuffles and controversy at racecourses, pubs, football, fascist marches and nightclubs. I’m interested to know what these ‘perfectly reasonable warnings’ might be. Most evidence suggests that around  30% of children born into Muslim families are non-practicing within one generation of immigrating to the U.K., with the percentage increasing with each generation. Still, if you’ve got an example of how you personally have been Islamified I’d love to know. 

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

At 3pm today, the 'arch-enemy' of the Left and hero of the great un-washed, Tommy Robinson, aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, will attempt to exercise his right to free-speech by conveying a speech written by the Austrian right-winger, Martin Sellner. Sellner, and his partner were refused entry to the UK last week, detained for three days and forcibly returned to Europe for his 'inflammatory' views on Islam and what he and many others see as the creeping islamisation of Western culture. British authorities fear that his presence and speech would amount to incitement and social unrest. The same reasons attached to Geert Wilders' refusal of entry by the then Home Secretary, Theresa May.

Robinson will attempt to do this at that bastion of liberty and freedom of expression known for 300 years as 'Speakers Corner.' Pilloried by the establishment and media for his outspoken views on islam and its influence on British society and culture, he will claim that because of political correctness, fear of offence and accusations of racism, the establishment has continually failed to act on child sex-abuse, the 22,000 potential jihadis roaming unchecked, the heroin trade, election and mortgage fraud on a massive scale. He will also compare and ask, in the light of Sellner's deportation, how and why radical imams and hate-preachers are still freely entering the UK with impunity advocating the glory of jihad, death to Jews and the kaffir alike, in mosques and madrasses throughout Britain and cultivating monsters like this young fellow resulting in the massacres of 7/7, Manchester Arena, Westminster Bridge and other atrocities the country has experienced for many years.

Up to now, there has been no media coverage of this event, it has not been publicised in the mainstream but it may become news-worthy if there is trouble. Which is likely. It will however be live-streamed on various social-media platforms.

he needs to invest in some hook hands then he could say whatever he wanted.......

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“Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, now Telford. Everybody knows what I'm talking about. Why is this so widespread? And if it’s been revealed in these towns, it still must be happening in other places in this country, to our national shame. Do you agree?”

andrew neil 15/03/2018

but you're not allowed to say it? this is part of the problem........

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37 minutes ago, woody2 said:

he needs to invest in some hook hands then he could say whatever he wanted.......

Hook hands never helped Abu Hamza. In 2004, Hamza was arrested by British police after the United States requested he be extradited to face charges. He was later charged by British authorities with sixteen offences for inciting violence and racial hatred. In 2006, a British court found him guilty of inciting violence, and sentenced him to seven years' imprisonment. On 5 October 2012, after an eight-year legal battle, he was extradited from the UK to the United States to face terrorism charges and on 14 April 2014 his trial began in New York. On 19 May 2014, Hamza was found guilty of eleven terrorism charges by a federal jury in Manhattan. On 9 January 2015, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

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You are allowed to say it. Neill did. 

I wonder whether the reluctance to spell it out is not just fear of being labelled racist, but the knowledge that racists will use it as justification for their views. 

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Relatively peaceful event. Around 5,000 supporters attended. Watched by 45,000+ on the live stream. Some of the usual, masked antifa cowards intent on trouble along with a few islamists shouting allah is the greatest, all determined to stifle that speech and free-speech in general. Being seriously outnumbered they obviously thought the better of it and took to hanging around on the periphery attempting to look menacing in their black garb and nightshirts.

White faces, black faces, orientals, old and young people. Israeli flags, Union flags, RoI flags, German and Dutch flags, flags of eastern European nations and the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew all displayed in solidarity.

Same again next week. 

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31 minutes ago, woody2 said:

andrew neil 15/03/2018

but you're not allowed to say it? this is part of the problem........

‘Everyone knows what I’m talking about,’ but ‘you’re not allowed to say it.’ The situation you are describing is either an oxymoron or an amazing act of collective telepathy. 

Everyone one knows about the grooming gangs from Muslim backgrounds because it is a big story and rightly so. Whether their actions were racially motivated hate crimes or not needs looking into and considering when sentencing. These gangs were particularly evil and well organised, but let’s not pretend that kind of evil is unique to Muslims. 

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The British-Pakistan think-tank, The Quilliam Foundation did comprehensive research and concluded that 84% of grooming offences (convictions to date) were committed by muslim men of Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnic and cultural background. Considering this ethnic group makes up around 2-3% of the population it does come across as disproportional. It is the specific of organised grooming-gangs, and their targeted choice of victims which singles out these offenders and makes them unique.

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