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Explosion On London Underground Train

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4 hours ago, quilp said:

it may become news-worthy if there is trouble. Which is likely.


Some will be disappointed if there isn't any trouble then - given that trouble is how they get media attention for their otherwise fringe politics. And he normally seems quite good at finding trouble.

He certainly isn't ignored by the, so called, " mainstream  media " *. For example The Jewish Chronicle ran a few pieces on him recently. About his apparent attempts to create and manipulate tension between Jewish and Muslim communities.

Jews who ally with Tommy Robinson are our own worst enemy - Do not be suckered by street thugs - Jewish Chronicle

Former EDL leader Tommy Robinson holds secret meeting with Manchester Jews - Jewish Chronicle



Invitations to attend were extended to other community groups including the North West Friends of Israel – but its spokesman Anthony Dennison said the group had declined the invitation.

Mr Dennison said: "We find some of Tommy Robinson’s opinions abhorrent. Unfortunately in our community there are a small number of people who are attracted his policies.

“This is unacceptable, and something North West Friends of Israel will never be associated with.”


Jeremy Newmark, Jewish Labour Movement chairman, confirmed local activists from his organisation had been left “outraged” after learning of the event.

Mr Newmark told the JC: "No ifs, no buts, Tommy Robinson is an enemy of our community. He is part of the same political tradition as the National Front and the BNP.”


In a statement, the Board of Deputies condemned last week’s meeting saying: “Tommy Robinson’s record of anti-Muslim provocation means that he could never be a partner of a respectable or mainstream Jewish organisation.”


Let's be clear. The people who today are anti Muslim are from the same tradition of British fascism which was previously anti - Indian. Which before that was anti - black. And which before that was anti - Jewish. Muslims are just the latest target.


* mainstream media is a meaningless pejorative outside of internet conspiracy circles

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85% of total child grooming offences are committed by white offenders. The grooming-gang offences however are mostly committed by Muslims. Are these grooming gangs targeting girls because of their race? If that’s the case then they need to be punished for hate crimes on top of whatever other punishment they receive. 

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26 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

‘Everyone knows what I’m talking about,’ but ‘you’re not allowed to say it.’ The situation you are describing is either an oxymoron or an amazing act of collective telepathy. 

Everyone one knows about the grooming gangs from Muslim backgrounds because it is a big story and rightly so. Whether their actions were racially motivated hate crimes or not needs looking into and considering when sentencing. These gangs were particularly evil and well organised, but let’s not pretend that kind of evil is unique to Muslims. 

it wasn't so far back your type called the police out for institutionalized racism.....

great move:rolleyes: look what happened......

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11 minutes ago, woolley said:

I didn't say the Islamisation of me. It's the Islamisation of Europe. This ongoing process is undeniable.

Yes it is deniable, because it is nonsense. Who has been Islamified? Can you give some example? The only major negative influence Muslims seem to have on the UK is that of the House of Saud on the Tory party. What on earth are you talking about? Give us some examples of how we have been Islamified?

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3 minutes ago, pongo said:

Let's be clear. The people who today are anti Muslim are from the same tradition of British fascism which was previously anti - Indian. Which before that was anti - black. And which before that was anti - Jewish. Muslims are just the latest target.

This is of course more deflecting and selective liberal nonsense. The issue here is islamism and the islamists who bring shame on the otherwise peaceful ummah in this country. The same islamists responsible for radicalisation, hatred and the exploitation of the vulnerable, whether it's furthering their islamist aims through the brain-washing of their own disciples or victims of grooming and gang-rape.

St. Pongo, it would be too easy to counter your links with an opposing view so it's really not worth the bother. Suffice to say that it is a more complex set of circumstances than the simplistic explanation you have provided. 

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8 minutes ago, woody2 said:

it wasn't so far back your type called the police out for institutionalized racism.....

great move:rolleyes: look what happened......

Does it help you to think of people in terms of ‘types’? No wonder you’re so angry, the world is full of individuals who don’t fit your ‘types’ - it must be very frustrating. 

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3 minutes ago, quilp said:

This is of course more deflecting and selective liberal nonsense. The issue here is islamism and the islamists who bring shame on the otherwise peaceful ummah in this country. The same islamists responsible for radicalisation, hatred and the exploitation of the vulnerable, whether it's furthering their islamist aims through the brain-washing of their own disciples or victims of grooming and gang-rape.

St. Pongo, it would be too easy to counter your links with an opposing view so it's really not worth the bother. Suffice to say that it is a more complex set of circumstances than the simplistic explanation you have provided. 

So, you’re just against the hate-mongering, racist, brain-washed Muslims? Me, too. I’m against the hate-mongering, racist, brain-washed idiots of all persuasions. 

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18 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Does it help you to think of people in terms of ‘types’? No wonder you’re so angry, the world is full of individuals who don’t fit your ‘types’ - it must be very frustrating. 


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4 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Yes it is deniable, because it is nonsense. Who has been Islamified? Give us some examples of how we have been Islamified?

Shall we use as one example the no-go areas of France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Belgium, UK, Netherlands, Spain et al? It's not the islamisation of the natives so much as the islamisation and ghetto-isation of areas of these countries where through violence and intimidation, the islamists have forced out the indigenous population for their own ends.

I suspect that you, and others like you feel able to criticise those protesting and living in fear because you remain completely untouched and unaffected by such circumstances, rarely if ever being distracted by the darker side of multiculturalism or experience the problems the ideal has brought with it. Because you aren't affected you will remain totally aloof and flatly refuse to see any problem, will hear no dissent and feel no empathy.

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I’ve actually lived for a few months in one of the supposed ‘no-go areas’ of Paris. I don’t think much of Algerian or Senegalese cuisine (Lebanese or Turkish on the other hand is good stuff), drink tea or smoke a hookah pipe, but I found the people were fine with me. There is an area of Brussels that I would avoid, it happens to be Muslim, there are also areas of Belfast, Glasgow, Liverpool and Greater Manchester I’d avoid that are not.


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