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There seems to be some hope of gaining clarity ... an election where both sides are willing to get their supporters to the polls.

I hope there is a political way to stopping the prosecutions for sedition etc.  Criminalising what is essentially a political issue is a guaranteed way to create parallel states with significant segments of the population rejecting the courts and rule of law.  That is hugely dangerous.

Elections, clarity, a constitutional convention.  That is basically the only way forwards.  Sedition, criminalisation and UDI is the path to political violence.  Who the heck would want that?

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18 hours ago, Chinahand said:

There seems to be some hope of gaining clarity ... an election where both sides are willing to get their supporters to the polls.

I hope there is a political way to stopping the prosecutions for sedition etc.  Criminalising what is essentially a political issue is a guaranteed way to create parallel states with significant segments of the population rejecting the courts and rule of law.  That is hugely dangerous.

Elections, clarity, a constitutional convention.  That is basically the only way forwards.  Sedition, criminalisation and UDI is the path to political violence.  Who the heck would want that?

Errr excuse me Mr C but Catalonia is already polarised by Puigdemont and his grubby little opportunists.....

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On 10/30/2017 at 5:17 PM, P.K. said:

Puigdemont has done a runner to Belgium - allegedly.

In my opinion a very boring country where at night they roll the pavements up.

According to the news, a European arrest warrant is due to be issued for him. I suspect he might be ordering a business jet direct to Ronaldsway.

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If there is a 75% turnout I suspect the secessionists will win by 55% to 45% of votes cast.

The current constitution is no longer fit for purpose. Madrid wasn’t prepared to discuss change. The Rajoy over reaction has sealed the fate of united Spain.

There will be an independent Catalonia. Sooner than most of you think. There will be more splits and secessions, watch the Basques, Wallonia and Flanders, Northern Italy, Scotland.

its the west’s equivalent of the fall of communism 

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With 12% votes counted the predictions are pro independence parties 72 seats, unity parties 55 seats and a small party which sits on the fence (neither approving unilateral independence nor Madrid’s actions ) 8 seats.

If that is confirmed my prediction wasn’t far out. Turnout was a very high 85%.

looks as if pro independence will be more than 50%, unity 42% of votes cast. Smaller parties have been squeezed. Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy’s PP looks to have lost 8 seats ( down to 3 from 11 )

Total number of seats is 135; majority is 68.

Predictions are fairly accurate as it’s a party list system.

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5 minutes ago, woody2 said:

the problem comes when the independence parties won't work together......

The two largest will.

The socialist pro independence bloc, which was a sort of king maker last time round, has lost votes.

The two largest pro independence parties look as if they’ll have  66 seats between them.

Pro independence up from 40% last time to more than 50% this time.

unionist parties down on total seats and percentage of vote.

66 seats is an effective majority.

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