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17 minutes ago, woolley said:

@ Guzzi: Very good points, but Madrid has handled this abjectly. If it really is just a few extremist separatists, why did they not let them have their referendum and call their bluff? Now the situation is far, far worse having sent in the Guardia and police from other parts of Spain. It was so easily predictable that it would become the best possible recruiting sergeant for the independence movement. They must be delighted at the mass marches in the streets. There seems to be a dearth of common sense in the world which has become particularly acute at the moment.

Nationalism is a sentiment that gathers momentum and is gathering momentum as economies turn down. Next up will be Italy with their anti-EU rhetoric, you've got the idiots over in the basket case of California spouting that they could secede and eastern Europe seems to have had enough of Brussels. Spanish and Italian bonds got hammered recently on the back of the uncertainty.

It's the collapse of socialism as the chickens are coming home to roost. Unfunded pensions are an issue across the western world, especially in Europe as the 0% interest rate experiment have destroyed the past decade, and governments are having to get more draconian to raise taxes to pay for it. Brussels can't afford to lose the UK's funds, Madrid can't afford to lose Catalonia's income and on it goes. 

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the vote hasn't been counted yet according to the beeb, how do they know the results....

poor turnout even if the figures are real which they clearly aren't...... 

the strike was called before the vote yet now they claim its because the police used reasonable force.....

lefty propaganda would sum it up.....  

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2 hours ago, guzzi said:


The voters in the referendum, the demonstrators on the streets, do not necessarily represent a collective Catalan view. There are also several inconvenient truths that the nationalists may think can simply be voted away, not least the public debt of the Catalan government, €52 billion of which is owed to Madrid, and the fact that the perception that Catalunya is robbed by Madrid is short on truth. They do not receive as much in spending as they collectively pay in tax, but Catalunya is a wealthy region, and Spain understandably and justifiably spends more in some of the much poorer regions.

Then the Madrid government should put that argument to the people of Catalunya. Call another referendum. There's a strong possibility they'll win.

Not doing that strengthens the nationalist cause but is also a hammer blow to democratic values. Suggesting a state can't cede from a larger one without the consent of the larger nation destroys fundamental principle of self determination. 

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41 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You mean all that footage of police in full riot gear striking unarmed and peaceful protestors was fake?

Its not like you to talk about fake news...

i'm guessing you was in the pansy regiment......

carrying out their legal duty, told them to move they didn't, it stopped been a peaceful protest at that point.....

all legal and above board.....

and since when has anxiety been an injury?

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