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Merkel take a kicking


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6 hours ago, Edward Boyes said:

Dear moyomonkey

In Bundesrepublik Deutschland you have a system where it does not matter what party you vote for, you always get a government that rules against the constitution and the people. Just read the first ten articles of the basic law and think whether politicians respect them or not. Remember that the Bundesverfassungsgericht has ruled that ALL elections since 1956 are invalid. Remember that Listenwahl is a violation of the basic law. Remember the refusal of Merkel and of all her predecessors to give the Germans a referendum. Remember the presence of allied nukes on German soil for decades against the will of the people. Remember the participation of governments in aggressive wars against the will of the people. Remember that most laws of Bundesrepublik Deutschland are Nazi laws put in place by Adolf Hitler and still forming the bedrock of the legal system. Remember the involvement of members of the NSDAP in the establishment of Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Globke et al). Remember the incorporation of the GESTAPO and Hitler's criminal lawyers and judges into the administration of Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Remember the lack of a division of powers where the chancellor rules like a dictator because he/ she commands the judiciary and can thus shield herself from all the crimes she and her government commits. The attorneys are all under the command of the ministry of justice which in turn is under the command of the chancellor. The legislative is controlled by the head of the party which in the case of the ruling party is usually also the chancellor.

Crikey, where to start with all that load of conspiracy. I haven't got the time, energy or inclination but I can say that there is a lot of factual errors in there. Where did you cut and paste it from?

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6 hours ago, woolley said:

It astonishes me that the Germans are still prepared to vote for her. Amazing what brainwashing can do over a few generations to instil a national sense of collective guilt. She hasn't damaged just Germany and her own people with her massive gesture politics folly either. She opened the borders to all and sundry. Not just refugees, but economic migrants and criminals including rapists, murderers and terrorists. She didn't care what other countries on the route to Germany thought about it. Then, when things started getting hot and the liberal idiots waving balloons at the railway stations were replaced by ordinary people baying for her blood, she did a volte-face and put up the shutters leaving all of the countries on the trail to the south stuck with hordes of people who she had encouraged to make the journey, and the people themselves without shelter in countries that don't want them. Stupid, stupid woman.

The modern Germans I worked with 25 - 30 years ago were not brainwashed at all. In fact that would be just the kind of remark they would find deeply insulting as they NEVER want to go back to those dark days ever again.

It's also totally naive to think the tide of refugees headed into the EU at the behest of Merkel. They were coming anyway.

I suspect the decision on refugees and open borders has split the vote but not the country. 

Unlike the appalling Thatcher creature who polarised the UK for generations. Strangely you never rail against her though. But then your politics seem to be somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan....

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I am no great admirer of Thatcher actually, so that's probably why I don't much mention her. I believe she was a decent enough sort, and came in wanting to do good, but I don't think that she was fully cognisant of the ramifications of all that was done on her watch. Governments in the 80s and 90s were carried along on the wave of unfettered capitalism, globalisation and deregulation which they had allowed themselves to be seduced into supporting. Mrs. Thatcher was but one pawn in the game of connivance.

Merkel encouraged the trickle into a flood - and then changed her mind, leaving tens of thousands stranded all along the way. Without her encouragement the exodus would not have been so large or gone on for so long, augmented as it was by legions of economic migrants from all over Asia and Africa. Stupid, stupid woman.

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Wooley, I don't entirely disagree with your assessment of Merkel but it wasn't solely her that did it over here, it took the will of the Bundestag. Anyway, even though you appear to think that Germany now looks like some sort of Mad Max post apocalyptic hell I can say it is actually still rather nice.

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4 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Wooley, I don't entirely disagree with your assessment of Merkel but it was solely her that did it over here, it took the will of the Bundestag. Anyway, even though you appear to think that Germany now looks like some sort of Mad Max post apocalyptic hell I can say it is actually still rather nice.

I do appreciate that, Mojo. At least some of the worms are turning though.

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13 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Wooley, I don't entirely disagree with your assessment of Merkel but it wasn't solely her that did it over here, it took the will of the Bundestag. Anyway, even though you appear to think that Germany now looks like some sort of Mad Max post apocalyptic hell I can say it is actually still rather nice.

yes it was while sticking 2 fingers up to eu treaties.....

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10 hours ago, P.K. said:


The Neo Nazi / fanatical right-wing nutters.

Music to your ears no doubt.

Happy boy are we.....?

I appreciate that you believe any antipathy towards having one's country invaded by hundreds of thousands of alien economic migrants who have no place there without a by your leave makes one a right wing nutter but it really isnt the case, you know. If you really think that 13% of the Germans, and many more who didn't actually vote ADF this time, but who do think this way are "Neo Nazi, fanatical right wing nutters", then you, sir, are very much mistaken. It is Merkel who is the extremist nutter on the liberal side.

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20 hours ago, P.K. said:

Love the oxymoron:

"Liberal Extremist"

Absolutely classic and v funny.

Can I use that?

ETA - read it a second time and still find it funny....

Feel free. Your reaction stems from a lifetime of conditioning which has been successful in convincing you and many others that what Merkel and her like have done is somehow normal and moderate, when in fact it is extremist, globalist nutjob stuff of the highest order which has imperilled her own people. The first duty of a national leader is to protect the nation and its way of life. Ask some of the rape and robbery victims if she has lived up to this responsibilty. Unfortunately, it's too late to ask many of the terrorists' murder victims.

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