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Merkel take a kicking


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34 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Why am I surprise at such a stoney faced post, utterly devoid of basic human decency and kindness for your fellow man...

Oh wait, no I am not surprised in the slightest.

Basic human decency involves opening your population to an increased threat of violence, rape, murder. How decent of you.

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1 minute ago, quilp said:

Feeling out-numbered or out-gunned?

No.  "we've" both made our cases, and neither side is going to change their mind on it.  So it is pointless to "progress" this to an over inflated page count.


What I abhor more than anything is the Liberal standpoint of insult, compartmentalism and name-calling, used specifically when you're out of your depth and to stifle debate...

It that sentence you insult, compartmentalise and use name calling.

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40 minutes ago, woolley said:

Basic human decency involves opening your population to an increased threat of violence, rape, murder. How decent of you.

So there are no bad guys already in German society?

Errrr don't think so....

Increase the population and the crime figures will follow. Not exactly rocket science.

Are you Paul Dacre? Because you write just like him.

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46 minutes ago, woody2 said:

merkel took the decision, no one else, lock her up.....

I'm not making any comment on the rights and wrongs of the decision but it was the Bundestag that made the decision. Merkel may have put forward the idea but she does not have the power on her own.

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On 2/2/2017 at 5:06 PM, woolley said:

I know he writes for the Mail because of the recent Cameron publicity. That is really all I know about him. Never read him as I said. Am I missing much?


2 hours ago, P.K. said:

So there are no bad guys already in German society?

Errrr don't think so....

Increase the population and the crime figures will follow. Not exactly rocket science.

Are you Paul Dacre? Because you write just like him.


2 hours ago, woolley said:

Never heard of him.

At least now you can add "Lying Bastard" to your CV....

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