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Kurdistan referendum results: 93% of Iraqi Kurds vote for independence, say reports.

Referendum result overwhelmingly endorses Kurdish independence from Baghdad as central government mounts pressure to 'cancel' vote and its outcome 

Congratulations to the Kurdish people for a great step toward their national independence. I hope to see the Kurds living under Turkish oppression eventually unite with them. This really is good news and an amazing step forward for long-term peace and stability in the middle east. Let us lobby our respective governments to give full support to the Kurdish people to ensure that their autonomy and self-determination is protected under international law and with the backing of military support from both NATO and the Russian Federation.

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I worry slightly that this is a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing.

Sadly there are many more actors at play than just Kurdish self determination. It is unlikely to end quickly or well but they desire their state and have played their cards well in the chaos which consists of Iraq and Syria. 

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5 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

It's a rather famous quote about the path to wider war. Look at what the neocons ignorance of the Middle East got us. 

You can call it ignorance, but others might suggest it has been deliberate. Setting up radical islamists as agents of chaos to destabalise the middle east was a strategy of Zbigniew Brzezinski. What is clear is that it only turned into a disaster after Bush left officer and Obama came along and screwed everything up (on purpose).

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