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2 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

So you’re blaming Jews and their ownership of an area of land (which is undisputed according to the Islamic religion) for all the contemporary problems in the Middle East . 

No, my understanding of what  Uhtred was saying is that the bible describes tribal warfare with spears and nowadays we have tribal warfare with AK47s. That is it. You can try as desperately as you can to turn this into a fight about your usual fetishes but that requires your usual distortion and over reach, but do carry on. 

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Sorry, I reject that explanation as to why putred cited the Bible. Why is it civil war or war when it’s Europeans or Americans, but if it’s brown or olive skinned people it’s “tribal”? The French and Germans are no less tribes in fighting over Alsace-Lorraine. Why when speaking of the present day Middle East do you think it relevant to bring up the Bible (which has nothing to do with the present day situation there) but if you were to discuss Alsace-Lorraine I’m sure the last thing you’d do is cite the Poetic Edda?

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44 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

Your post clearly makes a case for the Middle East being unique and backward relative to Europe, even though Europe only recently started two world wars.

You are a fantasist (or a particularly abject troll). Nothing in my post can be interpreted as drawing distinctions between the Middle East and Europe, which isn't mentioned, any more than is North America or Australasia. Stop now. It's really quite embarrassing.

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He's got a total blind spot.

Saying A is a good analogy for B, doesn't say anything about whether A would also be a good analogy for C, D or E.

He's putting all his efforts - making accusations of racism, anti-semitism, calling things idiotic etc - to claim something about C or to say F is a good analogy for C and A, but no one is saying anything about C or F other than him.  Someone just made the observation that A is a good analogy for B.

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7 hours ago, Chinahand said:

He's got a total blind spot.

Saying A is a good analogy for B, doesn't say anything about whether A would also be a good analogy for C, D or E.

You just made my case for me, except that A (the Bible) is not a good analogy either for the current Middle East (B) or for the Franco-Prussian War (C), The War of the Roses (D) or World War III (E). A (the Bible) is an extensive body of literature, not a military treatise.

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7 hours ago, Uhtred said:

You are a fantasist (or a particularly abject troll). Nothing in my post can be interpreted as drawing distinctions between the Middle East and Europe, which isn't mentioned, any more than is North America or Australasia. Stop now. It's really quite embarrassing.

Oh, I'm so embarrassed. Except you clearly did suggest a continuity between the Old Testament (for some vague reason you've yet to explain) and the current Middle East. You didn't cite the Poetic Edda,the Aeneid, or the Bhagavad Gita, even though all of these texts heavily involve wars. It is no coincidence that you picked the Bible. It came from the Middle East. You're implying a causal relationship or at least a correlation.

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