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50 dead in non terror attack

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5 minutes ago, The Well-Manicured Man said:

......... Although I know most of you have been programmed to laugh and reject anything from David Icke........

Sigh. It isn't trolling, you buffoons. Icke is one of the best commentators on politics and news. And why wouldn't I also cite Alex Jones? He's usually about five years ahead of the mainstream media in pointing things out. He gets laughed at then five years later it's all out in Wikileaks, etc.

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If a black guy had done there would have been political backlash against BLM etc.

If a muslim had done it Trump would cheer and no muslim in the US would be safe.

If a white guy had done it to a black crowd there would be riots.

A white guy doing it to white guys who love guns is just too confusing in this game of identity politics.  Must be a conspiracy.  Nothing random ever happens.  God wouldn't allow it. 

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Oh sorry!

That was directed at The Well-Mincing Man.

PS - wasn't really....

I don't know why I'd be sworn at. I wasn't trolling. I challenge you to actually listen to Icke's video and you'll see he's not a nutter going on about lizards but is actually a very insightful political commentator who is talking about real world things, nothing "far out" there or anything. Seriously, I used to think he was a nutcase as well and maybe in some ways he is but when it comes to political and strategic analysis I think he's one of Britain's greatest minds. If he'd just not mentioned lizards and stuff earlier on, and had stuck to straight political commentary, I've no doubt he'd probably have his own BBC political show and have a knighthood by now.

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13 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Though Trump might get the gun control he really wants (just don't tell the NRA...)


It's funny you should post that, though. It supports what I and others have said, which is that Trump is an old school liberal and not this bizarre "right-wing" Hitler character being portrayed in the media. Go back before this election cycle and everyone currently attacking him was up his arse about how wonderful he was.

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4 minutes ago, The Well-Manicured Man said:

I don't know why I'd be sworn at. I wasn't trolling. I challenge you to actually listen to Icke's video and you'll see he's not a nutter going on about lizards but is actually a very insightful political commentator who is talking about real world things, nothing "far out" there or anything. Seriously, I used to think he was a nutcase as well and maybe in some ways he is but when it comes to political and strategic analysis I think he's one of Britain's greatest minds. If he'd just not mentioned lizards and stuff earlier on, and had stuck to straight political commentary, I've no doubt he'd probably have his own BBC political show and have a knighthood by now.

Challenge away....

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