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33 dead, 130 injured in China

Dale Cooper FBI

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A group of knife-wielding men attacked a train station in southwestern China on Saturday, killing at least 29 people and injuring more than 130 others in what Chinese officials called a terrorist strike, the official Xinhua News Agency said.


When are we going to do something about knife control? Anyone who doesn't support a ban on knives is obviously a careless person and any politician who opposes it is obviously in the pockets of the knife lobby.

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You seem to have missed the increased police powers to stop people carrying knives passed in the UK in recent years. 

Faux outrage - hand guns kill multiple times more people in countries where they are unregulated than knives do. If you were to prioritise harm guns are of far higher priority than knives. 

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1 minute ago, Chinahand said:

Making up statistics to justify your prejudices isn’t very grown up. 

I didn't make up a statistic. I said "I bet......."

It's fairly obvious when you factor in all the tens of millions murdered by the Soviet Union and Commie China (the latter are still at it even now) then terrorists like Stephen Paddock aren't even a blip on the radar.

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The mass deaths in the USSR and China were mainly due to starvation not gun crime. The holocaust wasn’t committed by the USSR or China and beyond that the major death toll in the world wars was military v military with western democracies being little better than tyrannies when it came to killing enemy civilians (Dresden anyone). 

Many districts of US cities have had gun injuries and killing at rates comparable to war zones for decades. There is then the huge impact gun ownership has on suicides. 

The fact tyrannies have killed millions is not a reason to dismiss the carnage the US’s gun culture causes. Compared to similar democracies- the UK, Japan, Germany etc- the US’s murder rate and  gun crimes are off the charts. 

Certainly tyrannies have committed terrible crimes but that is no reason to let guns so damage American society. 

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