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Gender Neutral Passports


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13 hours ago, Tarne said:


"Campaigners say UK passports should include a third "X" option so genderless people do not have to say they are male or female." 

At first I did the whole "What the hell are these crazy mental people on about now?" (because I know they're mentally ill) but then I thought they're arguing the wrong thing. The passport is there to identify you in countries around the world. Your genitals never get brought into it so why even bother having it on there at all?

It's ridiculous and the only thing these people need is a slap. 

Perhaps the way forward on passports next to your photo is a picture of your knob or vadge? 

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17 minutes ago, notwell said:

It's ridiculous and the only thing these people need is a slap. 

Perhaps the way forward on passports next to your photo is a picture of your knob or vadge? 

I already look like a twat on my passport picture.

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22 minutes ago, notwell said:

It's ridiculous and the only thing these people need is a slap.

Perhaps the way forward on passports next to your photo is a picture of your knob or vadge? 

"It's ridiculous and the only thing these people need is a slap." - That's what I think about religious people too, and yet they still get to wear their hijabs and shite in their passport picture. 

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

It gets worse. What about people who identify as a daffodil. What about their rights?

Even if they identify as a daffodil they still have a genetic code which says who they really are. A passport isn’t an identity document in so far as allowing you to claim to ‘be’ anything in the eyes of society. It’s a means of identifying who you actually are. Interestingly enough an individual’s genetic code would in theory contain the data that leads a person (in conjunction with environmental factors) to claim to be one thing or another. There must be an evolutionary reason for this, I wonder if it’s ever been studied... that’s my googling sorted for today anyway :-)

There was a story in the news only recently about a Viking warrior who they believed since discovery to be a man, but was in fact a women. And I seem to recall a model (reproduction from discovered remains) of an early Northern European in the Moesgaard Museum near Aarhus which is acknowledged to appear to be feminine, but is in fact a man, so it’s not necessarily a modern phenomenon, although undoubtedly it is taking on a new cultural context. 

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11 minutes ago, maynragh said:

Even if they identify as a daffodil they still have a genetic code which says who they really are. A passport isn’t an identity document in so far as allowing you to claim to ‘be’ anything in the eyes of society. It’s a means of identifying who you actually are. Interestingly enough an individual’s genetic code would in theory contain the data that leads a person (in conjunction with environmental factors) to claim to be one thing or another. There must be an evolutionary reason for this, I wonder if it’s ever been studied... that’s my googling sorted for today anyway :-)

There was a story in the news only recently about a Viking warrior who they believed since discovery to be a man, but was in fact a women. And I seem to recall a model (reproduction from discovered remains) of an early Northern European in the Moesgaard Museum near Aarhus which is acknowledged to appear to be feminine, but is in fact a man, so it’s not necessarily a modern phenomenon, although undoubtedly it is taking on a new cultural context. 

Doesn't genetic coding degrade over time and with other "factors" such as disease?

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Possibly another indicator as to the lack of mental health care provisions. Gender is defined by your Genes too many people are confusing it with sexuality which in some cases can be defined by your Jeans.

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That 5th Column that is the BBC like you to register so you can be fed subliminal propoganda on the joys of communism.

Anyway their gender questions:




and bizarrely

Prefer not to say

How that differs from "Other" I can't imagine...

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