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Liverpool Arms Closes


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2 hours ago, hboy said:

Poor thicko Neil makes idiotic statement on MF again. No, but why would anyone be aggrieved anyway? The drunken idiot blew his chances up twice by getting done twice before two consecutive elections. The man was a joke. 

The thicko would be you. Still not educated enough to know the difference between a question and a statement...:whatever:

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27 minutes ago, twinkle said:

give that man a coconut!.

Except he is wrong. I enlisted the aid of Tynwald Library and worried the guts out of it for years and the then Treasury Minister invited me to a meeting for an hour in his office to discuss the letters and they tried to get Roger Watterson not to put me on "Sunday Opinion" ...So something was going right and of course I am not in a position to edit the papers. The editor chooses and has the last word. But all that was over ten years ago now.

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I know a couple who were "fortunate" enough to be employed as managers for one of the busiest pubs by the brewery. Accommodation included of course with a requirement to live in, but to my mind, the cash remuneration on offer for all of the responsibilty involved was dire, despite the fact that they clearly believed their ship had come in.

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8 minutes ago, woolley said:

I know a couple who were "fortunate" enough to be employed as managers for one of the busiest pubs by the brewery. Accommodation included of course with a requirement to live in, but to my mind, the cash remuneration on offer for all of the responsibilty involved was dire, despite the fact that they clearly believed their ship had come in.

They are really poorly paid. No wonder none of them seem to have any pride or sense of ownership or long term interest in any of the hostelries they manage. Usually you get the take your pint and piss of and dont bother me as it's not worth my time vibe.

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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5 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

They are really poorly paid. No wonder none of them seem to have any pride or sense of ownership or long term interest in any of the hostelries they manage. Usually you get the take your pint and piss of and dont bother me as it's not worth my time vibe.

I was told some time ago that it worked out at about £5.00 per hour plus accommodation. FFS

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30 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

It wouldn't surprise me. That's why the service experience is generally so horrible. Nobody is paid to give a shit. 

I'm always reminded of the old Soviet joke: They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.  H&B are a perfect example of how, given a similar monopoly, capitalism can replicate all the faults of communism but charge more for it.

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As posted above....the powers that be treat/pay their staff terribly at H&B...resulting in the expected problems with staff retention and therefore serious issues with quality and consistency of food and drink.

If you want a prime example check out the Woodbourne...a CAMRA pub of the year winner turned into a shithole in less than three years...that takes some talent !

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