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Liverpool Arms Closes


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Just now, woolley said:

Fine. But apply it to everything. Stop them using phones of all types for a start seeing as they are more dangerous on the road than someone under the legal alcohol level. It's the hypocrisy and inconsistency of the societal approach to different risks that bemuses me.

Don't get me started on mobile phone use... :whatever:

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Woolley is right about even legal drinkers being demonised. Through the Christmas and New Year period it's enough to be even on the road whether you've had a drink or not. The police can stop anyone without reason just in case you've had a drink. People have even been prosecuted where there wasn't even proof of intention to drive. I don't know where the law was on that one.

Woolley's main point however is that the consequences of being even a couple of points over the limit can be cataclysmic to your freedom, family and job or career. The law can be absolute without gradation, and the couple of beers or two glasses of wine you had with your Sunday lunch may turn a pleasant family day out into a nightmare. It's needlessly and stupidly draconian, and you can still drive your hot-car with your mates in the back at any speed you like on many Island roads. Where speed is concerned they know the risks apparently.

Edited by Shake me up Judy
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On the same subject but a slight variation I can quite easily handle a pint of reasonable strength lager and feel fine but if I have two cups of coffee, the types that have two shots in per cup in a coffee shop, I can sometimes feel completely wired. The fact I don't drink coffee that often probably accentuates the effect. 

Now I don't know how you would measure the reactions or affect on driving but out of the two I know which 'substance' I'd feel more comfortable driving under the influence of a small amount of.

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21 hours ago, hboy said:

I know you are only pointlessly trolling people to start a fight but really. You can't remember the last serious drink driving crash? 


http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=35623&headline=Drink-driver crashed car&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2017

Poor attempt at trolling. It is getting a bit boring here really isn't it as it's largely you posting all the time in every thread so I'm sure it would be nice for you if you could start a fight with another actual human being. 

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=36473&headline=Police probe trail of car crash damage&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2017

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6 hours ago, Bellefield said:

I suspect the Admiral J McHardy will go bust soon, not because of the prices, but because of the pretentious name.  This doesn't sound like a proper old pub name, so I'm guessing it was changed as part of the refurb?  Or at least recently?

White man speak truth! Everyone calls it the "Alma"..Even the bus ticket I get every day says "Alma"..It was Alma since 1861. Now they try and call, it "The Admiral"..'cos Admiral J McHardy is too long..

Admiral J McHardy was the first Chief Constable of Essex in 1840 and I think stopped the last slave trading ship etc.

Next door was a Militia armoury of the Napoleonic War built in 1794 (Known as Old Court) ..This became the HQ of Essex Police in 1840 when the Army moved out. Admiral J McHardy lived there in quarters.

He married Horatia daughter of Lt Pasco who advised Nelson to say in  the signal "England expects etc as opposed to "Nelson confides" as they had trouble with the flag series.. Admiral J McHardy and family all buried in Holy Trinity nearby under the shadow of HMP Chelmsford ..The pub was recently up for demolition and housing development but was turned down...It is under new management and has a website of course.

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16 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

White man speak truth! Everyone calls it the "Alma"..Even the bus ticket I get every day says "Alma"..It was Alma since 1861. Now they try and call, it "The Admiral"..'cos Admiral J McHardy is too long..

Admiral J McHardy was the first Chief Constable of Essex in 1840 and I think stopped the last slave trading ship etc.

Next door was a Militia armoury of the Napoleonic War built in 1794 (Known as Old Court) ..This became the HQ of Essex Police in 1840 when the Army moved out. Admiral J McHardy lived there in quarters.

He married Horatia daughter of Lt Pasco who advised Nelson to say in  the signal "England expects etc as opposed to "Nelson confides" as they had trouble with the flag series.. Admiral J McHardy and family all buried in Holy Trinity nearby under the shadow of HMP Chelmsford ..The pub was recently up for demolition and housing development but was turned down...It is under new management and has a website of course.


Edited by dilligaf
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21 hours ago, rodders said:

Another one proving the point I was making.  People who are so pissed they shouldn't drive are going to drive regardless of if the limit is no pints, one pint, or two.  So making it so that everyone else, the majority of whom are more than capable of figuring out if they are fit to drive after a couple of pints, dart have a drink for risking getting a ban and ending up with no job is draconian and killing out of town pubs.


Like I said up thread I don't have a better solution other than letting people use their own brains, which clearly can't be relied on, but anyone who thinks dropping the limit to 0 would make any difference to injuries on the road is deluded.

Pissed people will still drive, and people below, at or slightly over the limit don't go bouncing off other cars and causing carnage anyway.

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2 hours ago, twinkle said:

I have heard from a reasonable source that the Manor hotel is also closing!? Surely not, if they can't make money with a captive audience ( Willaston,crook y berry,iomcollege ) they wanna SACK their business manager.

The Manor used to do well out of the College evening classes until they racked up the course fees and called themselves a university business school. Last time I was up there for anything the place was like a ghost town after six o'clock. 


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