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Something wrong with the world's thinking

Albert Tatlock

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2 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Today maybe. But tomorrow you may think differently.

Oh dear, I detect a Martin Niemoller quote coming along..........

This woman was an enemy combatant and a traitor in a foreign country who was engaged in murder. She was not some innocent or normal British citizen sat at home watching Coronation Street or protesting for women's rights outside Westminister. I believe in habeas corpus (i.e. right to due process under the law, etc) but the moment she left the country and joined an enemy organisation, she forfeited her Magna Carta rights. There was no question in this instance that the woman was a murdering scumbag.

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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

This is just one kid. Inconsequential in the scheme of things. Certainly when compared to the amount we have killed and orphaned in the last quite a few years.

I'm 100% with you in opposing war. We should never have gone into these countries and created the very power vacuum that allowed scum like ISIS to move in and accumulate power.

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3 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

You can't do things like that if you are part of democratic western society woody. Think of the lawsuit if one of them landed on somebody.

Yep. You wait until they are on the ground out there then do a drone strike on the whole lot. Much more efficient.

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What we need to do is help the Sufi sect of Islam to spread its values and usher in a reformation. It was actually mysticism in Christianity which kickstarted the reformation in Europe. It is in this field that all religions of the world have common ground and a true and lasting peace can be achieved. I believe this can be extended to real geopolitical strategy.

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On 13/10/2017 at 6:24 PM, llap said:

I'm 100% with you in opposing war. We should never have gone into these countries and created the very power vacuum that allowed scum like ISIS to move in and accumulate power.

For this we can thank that scuzzbucket Blair and his odious sidekick bush. Pair of them should be rotting in a cell.

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12 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

For this we can thank that scuzzbucket Blair and his odious sidekick bush. Pair of them should be rotting in a cell.

Errrr excuse me but IMHO they've done us all a real service.

They have managed to concentrate all the murderous religious nutters into a target rich environment where they can essentially be massacred from a position of safety.

Works for me...

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