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only in germany


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4 minutes ago, woody2 said:

55000 came and 569 interned, how is that most....

They were ALL interned. The categories indicate people who were then subsequently released which wasn't an overnight thing either; it could take up to a year even for the people designated as the lowest risk to be released. That figure also only relates to refugees and doesn't include naturalised citizens and British citizens born in Britain who had a German parent or grandparents. It wasn't just Germans either, but also Italians and Spanish. The total figure is in the hundreds of thousands.

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It also doesn't include the thousands of Jews who tried to flee to Britain or British territories (including the middle east) or to America and were blocked from doing so due to quotas aimed specifically and racistly at Jews. These people were turned away and literally went back to be put in gas chambers.

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Not one mention of the word Jew, Jewish, Jews, Israel, Semite, Semitic in their manifesto. About the only controversial thing I could see was this:


Islam does not belong to Germany. Its expansion and the
ever-increasing number of Muslims in the country are
viewed by the AfD as a danger to our state, our society, and
our values. An Islam which neither respects nor refrains
from being in conflict with our legal system, or that even
lays claim to power as the only true religion, is incompatible
with our legal system and our culture. Many Muslims live
as law-abiding and well-integrated citizens amongst us, and
are accepted and valued members of our society. However,
the AfD demands that an end is put to the formation and
increased segregation by parallel Islamic societies relying
on courts with shari’a laws. The AfD wishes to curb a trend
towards religious radicalisation amongst Muslims, and these
turning into violent Salafists or terrorists.

And even that's not controversial to anybody with a brain.

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