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New York attack: Eight killed by man driving truck


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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:

Various news reports say that this arsehole has been planning his attack for a year. He must not have been very bright, how does it take a year to work out that driving onto the pavement will work?

or buying proper guns in the usa.....

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14 hours ago, woody2 said:

he wasn't manx.....

The Manx are a maritime people; our ancestors procreated around with women from all over Europe. That's why we have so much diverse ancestry.

It's Muslims who marry their own siblings and cousins.

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17 minutes ago, quilp said:

50+ differentiating sects. 

It's down to mere semantics to argue that Islam doesn't have sects. The exact same argument can be made for Christianity, Judaism, and every other religion, if you really want to be a twat with a dictionary.

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19 minutes ago, llap said:

That's why I have so much diverse ancestry. All the male ancestors were Manx, but all the women were from all over Europe.

This clearly makes no sense. Each of those European women had a father. And each of them had an entire lineage. And those lines are equal / equivalent in significance at every comparable generation to your single line of Manx men. Therefore all of you male ancestors were clearly not Manx.

Would you like me to draw a diagram?

ETA: unless all of those European women somehow also only had Manx male ancestors. Which seems unlikely. Even for you.

This is the mistake people make when they follow only one line or name. In terms of who you are that line quickly becomes insignificant. None of us know who are ancestors were.

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14 hours ago, pongo said:

This clearly makes no sense. Each of those European women had a father. And each of them had an entire lineage. And those lines are equal / equivalent in significance at every comparable generation to your single line of Manx men. Therefore all of you male ancestors were clearly not Manx.

Would you like me to draw a diagram?

ETA: unless all of those European somehow also only had Manx male ancestors. Which seems unlikely. Even for you.

Nobody is claiming all male ancestors were Manx, you half-wit.

You obviously don't know the difference between the word "male" and "patrilineal". Moron!

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2 hours ago, llap said:

Nonsense. There is the obvious major schism between the Sunni and Shia. There are also Sufi and hundreds of localised sects.

Islam isn't like McDonald's where it's the same everywhere. That's what ISIS and Saudi Wahabists would like us all to believe, but it isn't so.

Saying there's only one Islam is like saying there's only one Christianity, and then trying to point to some recently invented idiotic sect like Living Hope as the only true form of Christianity. Saying it just doesn't make it so. History indicates otherwise.

You really think McD is the same everywhere? It varied from country to country and region to region

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8 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Please do, and remind us, for every time which of your many emanations actually posted it

Lol. I've always liked you, John, despite you being a bit of a dick to me, but I'm not about to sit here and post my comment over a hundred times. :) 

The point should suffice: there isn't a racist bone in my body. My family is multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-racial. I'm 100% Manx and consider my family members who weren't born here, or weren't born with white skin, to be just as Manx as I am. The Manx are a people, a nation, not a race or a skin colour. We are welcoming of anyone who comes here and loves the island as we love it.

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3 minutes ago, John Wright said:

You really think McD is the same everywhere? It varied from country to country and region to region

Well, no. It's different in Israel and Islamic countries, for starters, and I believe they have a vegan outlet somewhere. But the point still stands: Wahabism has been spread around the world by the Saudis and other Arab Gulf states like a franchise. Their "McD" version of Islam (which happens to be the No 1 source of Islamic-based terrorism) isn't historical or orthodox Islam.

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3 minutes ago, John Wright said:

It's different in Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Greece. And so on. Different menus, with different ranges, offers, special offers, and local content.

it differs from state to state in the US. 

Indeed. And all the more is the case with religion and from country to country, or sect to sect. How anyone can claim there is a homogeneous "Islam" is beyond me. You only have to watch Michael Palin's series to see how it differs. I think humanity's differences are a strength, not a weakness. We should celebrate diversity, not fear it. You're absolutely right. But, all the same, that doesn't mean there isn't an effort by certain groups who operate globally to push for a global uniformity in their "product".

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