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FBI Bombshell: Far-Left U.S. Radicals Colluding With ISIS


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A new book by a former editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine and best-selling author reveals for the first time an FBI field report about the collusion between American anti-Trump radicals and foreign ISIS/al-Qaeda operatives.

In his latest book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump, set to be released today, Edward Klein reveals to the public findings from an FBI investigation into the shocking ties between far-left radicals in America and Islamist extremists.

Previous FBI Director James Comey also “collected intelligence on the connections between Middle Eastern jihadis, European radicals, and the American anarchists who are part of the anti-Trump ‘resistance’ movement,” writes Klein, quoting an an FBI source who had access to Comey’s intelligence reports.

Read more at https://clarionproject.org/fbi-bombshell-far-left-u-s-radicals-colluding-isis/#.WfjstdTTfOo.facebook

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28 minutes ago, PottyLisa said:

Don't be so bloody contrary Thomas.  I think your classification system may be a little flawed.

I'm not being contrarian. I just happen to know what I'm talking about when it comes to political philosophy.

It's not my fault the left-right paradigm is propaganda devoid of any sense.

What really matters isn't left or right, but collectivism vs individualism. Both the "left" that you recognise, and ISIS / caliphate / Islamism are collectivist ideologies. That's their common ground, along with occidentalism.

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Oh Thomas honey, it's not about political philosophy, individualism vs collectism. These philosophys are suedo states, I should know sugar, I've been researching this for a long time now and I'm absolutely convinced that when you break it down to it's base components, all you have is anarchy.  This is the root of all these so called social states and movements.  This is an indisputable fact. I have been researching this now for years, therefore, anything you try and say to counter this will be dismissed as your opinion is worthless in my far superior opinion.


I'm sorry sugar, but that's just the way it is. xxx

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I'm sorry but you're not following through with your statement and elaborating clearly.

What is reduced to anarchy? What do you mean by anarchy?

I think you may be on to something with regard to a constant struggle between order and chaos, if that's what you mean.

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Well, when it comes down to it, we're all anarchists at heart.  These political systems are just a fragile vaneer, any kind of global or even national catastrophic event and they crumble.  Anarchy would be the only 'system' to survive for a while.  Order is eventually doomed to fail, anarchy will always prevail.

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