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British Woman faces Egypt Drug Smuggling


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This one made me laugh. The media makes her out to be a saint, she was just carrying painkillers for her boyfriend and the evil Egyptians have arrested her. 

And then you look into the details - almost 300 pills and her 'boyfriend' is an Egyptian foreigner. 

It's like those two irish birds in Peru all over again. 

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3 hours ago, quilp said:

Let's face it, if she'd been stopped in the UK with 300 Tramadol she'd have been facing charges.

Not really, I have over 200 Tramadol in my desk drawer here (all obtained through prescription over the years).

300 pills sounds like a lot, but it's a "street value" in Egypt of less than £30 for all of them and given that she made no attempt to conceal them, I'm more inclined to think this is just ignorance of the laws. Which I know is no defence, but it should at least be taken into account. 

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9 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Tramadol is a horrible drug. Reasonably effective at doing what it is supposed to do, it also makes you feel nothing at all. Not good, not bad, just dead inside. Awful stuff. And I say that as someone who normally enjoys narcotics.

As you should know, all drugs affect people in different ways. I'm one of those people who are effectively immune to  codeine, meaning things like co-codamol have little to no effect on me for pain relief. I have a long term back problem that rears its head once or twice a year and tramadol/naproxen is pretty much the only thing that gets me upright. 

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My experience of (prescribed following operation) of tramadol made it very hard to get anywhere near upright!! But you are absolutely right, stuff affects people differently. I had a much more positive experience with proper codeine. Don't you find the tramadol fucks with your mind in a bad way? I read about professional cyclists using it, dunno what dosages, but at the dosage I was on I'm not sure I could even have got on a bike to even fall off, and the way my mind was working on it I wouldn't have wanted to.

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Nah, no mindfuck. Normal functioning, for the most part. Moving around is still a struggle but mentally I'm fine, I can go to work and the only thing that stops me driving is actually trying to physically get into the seat. I've taken too many a couple of times and been off my face though. I'm very aware that it's a dangerous drug though so as soon as soon I dont need to take it to move around, I stop. I'd prefer not to take it at all and I've changed a lot of my gym stuff to focus on core and I've only had one episode in the last couple of years and to be honest that was my own fault as I tried to deadlift far too much without a warmup. 

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Glad it works for you. It kind of did for me, just the side effects that I had were a bit much, it was a pretty dark time. Which is strange, cos most drugs generally agree with me :) and one of the main benefits of being prescribed that kind of thing is the option at some point of taking a few too many and being off your face.

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I was recently prescribed Naproxen. Result of twisting my knee. Seems to work okay but looking at the pros and cons of the drug, I won't be on it any longer than I have to that's for sure. My better half suffered with two frozen shoulders a few years back and was prescribed Tramadol. She took it for about a week before flushing the lot down the toilet. Glad it works for you Ans but it certainly put my wife on a different planet

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What kind of pain do you need to be prescribed tramadol? The painkillers I'm on (over the counter Nurofen ibuprofen) are useless but the doctors refuse to offer anything other than paracetamol and ibuprofen. It makes me wonder what pain others have that they think should get this better pain relief.

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You can buy cocodamol over the counter (8mg codiene/500mg paracetamol) or a similar concoction with ibuprofen instead. These are stronger. To get stronger than that though you need to be in quite a lot of pain. To get the 30mg codiene phosphate (2 tablets 4 times a day - big dose) I'm talking A LOT of pain.

It'll be the same with ans and his tramadol, the doctor won't have handed them out without ans telling him his back is really fucking sore.

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