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More shootings in the U.S.

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Already the bots are out in force on social media platforms claiming the shooter (Santino William Legan) is a Muslim Iranian immigrant (his grandfather, Thomas Legan, is from the Santa Clara area and was a county supervisor).

The weapon he used is an AK-47 "style" weapon which is banned in California but perfectly legal in Nevada.

"The owner of Big Mike’s Gun and Ammo, a gun store in Fallon, Nev., posted onFacebook that Legan had ordered the rifle online and picked it up at the store.

“I did not know this individual. He ordered the rifle off my internet page. When I did see him, he was acting happy and showed no reasons for concern. I would never ever sell any firearm to anyone who acted wrong or looks associated with any bad group like white power,”

Police say they are unsure to his motive, however, his posting of exerts from “Might Is Right” by Ragnar Redbeard, a delusional right wing bigoted hate piece from the 1890's attempting to justify slavery, xenophobia and racism, suggest what anyone with half a brain cell can work out for themselves; he is another "good people on both sides" type the President seems to defend on a daily basis.



Edited by RIchard Britten
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1 hour ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Boils my piss that this is BBC headline news all the time these days. It's another country and most of us don't give a flying fig when people who live in that screwed up and broken country kill each other.

British news first please.

The Sky morons invented "rolling" news and so all the others, including the BBC, now have to have similar.

They have to fill those 24 hours a day with something. And not even you AT could possibly claim what's happened isn't "newsworthy" or whatever.

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18 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Boils my piss that this is BBC headline news all the time these days. It's another country and most of us don't give a flying fig when people who live in that screwed up and broken country kill each other.

British news first please.

You ignorant sod.

This is not an isolated incident, this is part of a larger right wing movement globally.

The UK is a flood with US designed propaganda and hate speech, hence we see the likes of Robinson getting US funding to whip up hatred.

Stick your head in the sand, but this is world news.

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10 hours ago, P.K. said:

After the brexit vote hate crime in the UK doubled.

With Trump and his totally stupid wall whipping up similar xenephobes nobody should be surprised at the outcome....


A friend of mine (white male) in the UK has a fiance who is of Asian origin  and a muslim.  They have been the subject of racist vandalism and petty actions simply because of her race/beliefs.

Having met her several times I can tell you that she is very upset by this.  She is also not an extremist.  She is a normal person trying to live her life and be a good neighbour .

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"Kaine was referring to Trump’s answer after a reporter asked whether he sees "today that white nationalism is a rising threat around the world?” Trump responded, “I don’t really.”"

Got to keep those KKK voters on side, eh Drumpf?

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